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My name is Dietmar Rabich and it is my passion to take photos. At Wikimedia Commons you can see my more educational pictures.
All of my pictures are licensed by a Creative Commons license so everybody can use it. I think this is a good way to give a picture of the world. But honestly I really don't like just copy images without respect to this kind of royalty.
I'm always looking for interesting places to take photographs, especially architecture, buildings or objects in a technical environment or landscapes. If you know such a place, I'm thankful for every hint. Optimal is a place in the Münsterland or the northern Ruhr area. A permission to make shots there and publish them with a free license must be feasible.
My Photographs:
- All images
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- Valued images
- Wiki Loves Earth
- Wiki Loves Monuments
- Photo challenge
- Picture competitions
Additional images uploaded by me: Other pictures
For more information please have a look at my account at the german Wikipedia too: XRay at German Wikipedia.
talk page ore-mail
(no advertisements please)
Some of my photographs
VIAF: 8013659
ISNI: 0000 0003 9732 0168
GND: 111559057
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Dietmar Rabich
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Inscription within Information template|other_fields_1 = value=language=de TemplatesHouse number= EXIFexiftool -overwrite_original -make="Canon" -model="Canon EOS 5D Mark IV" -iso="50" -aperturevalue="8.0" -fnumber="8.0" -exposuretime="10.0" -focallength="50" <filename> SucheNiedrige Auflösungen: incategory:"Images by XRay (flat list)" filewidth:<4607 fileheight:<4607 Unbekannte Dateien oder nicht lizenzkonforme Ableitungen: file: "Dietmar Rabich" -incategory:"Images by XRay (flat list)" -incategory:"Derivative works of XRay's photographs" -incategory:"Dietmar Rabich" "Trees in ... in <month>" fehlt: insource:/([tT]rees (at|in)|of trees)/ -insource:/Trees in [^[]]+ in (January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December)/ incategory:"Images by XRay (flat list)" "Urban trees" ohne "Trees in" insource:/Category:Urban trees/ -insource:/Category:Trees in/ incategory:"Images by XRay (flat list)" Mögliche Unstimmigkeiten bzgl. "Trees": "trees" -insource:/([tT]rees (at|in)|of trees)/ -insource:/Trees in [^[]]+ in (January|February|March|April|May|June|July|August|September|October|November|December)/ incategory:"Images by XRay (flat list)" Jahreszeit fehlt: insource:/Category:([^[]|]* (nature|trees|flowers)|(Nature|Trees|Flowers))/ -insource:/Category:[^[]|]*([Ss]pring|[Ss]ummer|[Aa]utumn|[Ww]inter)/ incategory:"Images by XRay (flat list)" Umlautfehler im Sortierschlüssel: insource:/([[[Cc]ategory:[^|[]]*|[^|[]]*[ÄÖÜäöüßÀÁÂÃÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕØÙÚÛÝÞàáâãåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõøùúûýþÿ][^|[]]*]]|]*[ÄÖÜäöüßÀÁÂÃÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕØÙÚÛÝÞàáâãåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõøùúûýþÿ][^)/ incategory:"Images by XRay (flat list)" insource:/([[[Cc]ategory:[^|[]]*|[^|[]]*[ÄÖÜäöüßÅÆÈÉØåæèéø][^|[]]*]]|]*)/ incategory:"Images by XRay (flat list)" QI-Kategorie fehlt: insource:/(QualityImage|quality=[1y])/ -insource:/Category:Quality images of (forests|trees)/ insource:/Category:(Trees|[^[]|]+ trees)/ incategory:"Images by XRay (flat list)" Trees ohne QI of trees: insource:/Category:([^[]|]+t|T)rees/ -insource:/Category:Quality images of (landscapes|trees|forests)/ incategory:"Photographs by Dietmar Rabich/Quality images" Landscapes ohne QI of landscapes: insource:/Category:([^[]|]+l|L)andscapes/ -insource:/Category:Quality images of (landscapes|parks|gardens and parks|national parks)/ incategory:"Photographs by Dietmar Rabich/Quality images" Vehicles ohne QI of vehicles: insource:/Category:([^[]|]+v|V)ehicles/ -insource:/Category:Quality images of (([^[]|]+ )?automobiles|(road )?vehicles|rolling stock|watercraft|aircraft|ships)/ incategory:"Photographs by Dietmar Rabich/Quality images" Buildings ohne QI of buildings: insource:/Category:(([^[]|]+b|B)uildings|([^[]|]+c|C)hurches)/ -insource:/Category:Quality images of (buildings|churches|castles|(wind)?mills|Landschaftspark Duisburg-Nord|(Burg|Schloss) )/ incategory:"Photographs by Dietmar Rabich/Quality images" insource:/Category:([^[]|]+c|C)astles/ -insource:/Category:Quality images of (buildings|castles|(Burg|Schloss) )/ incategory:"Photographs by Dietmar Rabich/Quality images" insource:/Category:(([^[]|]+m|M)ills|([^[]|]+w|W)indmills)/ -insource:/Category:Quality images of (buildings|mills|windmills)/ incategory:"Photographs by Dietmar Rabich/Quality images" Mehrfaches Denkmaltemplate: insource:/{{(D|[A-Za-z]+d)enkmal[ |].*{{(D|[A-Za-z]+d)enkmal[ |]/ incategory:"Images by XRay (flat list)" Quality images of cultural heritage monuments: Austria: Belgium: Denmark: France: Germany: Greece: Italy: Other
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This is a Wikimedia Commons user page. If you find this page on any site other than Wikimedia Commons, you are viewing a mirror site. Be aware that the page may be outdated, and that the user this page belongs to may have no personal affiliation with any site other than Wikimedia Commons itself. The original page is located at | ![]() |
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