How to handle columns with categorical data and many unique values The 2019 Stack Overflow Developer Survey Results Are Indecision trees on mix of categorical and real value parametersPandas categorical variables encoding for regression (one-hot encoding vs dummy encoding)Imputation of missing values and dealing with categorical valuesHow to deal with categorical variablesOne hot encoding error “sort.list(y)…”One hot encoding vs Word embeddingHow to implement feature selection for categorical variables (especially with many categories)?ML Models: How to handle categorical feature with over 1000 unique values“Binary Encoding” in “Decision Tree” / “Random Forest” AlgorithmsDealing with multiple distinct-value categorical variables

Button changing its text & action. Good or terrible? How to support a colleague who finds meetings extremely tiring? Is it safe to harvest rainwater that fell on solar panels? How can I add encounters in the Lost Mine of Phandelver campaign without giving PCs too much XP? What to do when moving next to a bird sanctuary with a loosely-domesticated cat? A word that means fill it to the required quantity Is bread bad for ducks? Correct punctuation for showing a character's confusion Why don't hard Brexiteers insist on a hard border to prevent illegal immigration after Brexit? "as much details as you can remember" Can you cast a spell on someone in the Ethereal Plane, if you are on the Material Plane and have the True Seeing spell active? How to add class in ko template in magento2 Finding the area between two curves with Integrate ELI5: Why they say that Israel would have been the fourth country to land a spacecraft on the Moon and why they ...