Magento 2 How to grandtotal in order summary set via model?main.CRITICAL: Plugin class doesn't existMagento 2: How to override newsletter Subscriber modelMagento2 How to show sku in order summary?Magento : Minimum Grandtotal AmountIn Magento 2.2, How to Place the order after GrandTotal is Rs. 0?Checkout Order Summary Update Selected Payment MethodMagento offline custom Payment method with drop down listMonolog Error After 2.2 UpgradeHow to solve Front controller reached 100 router match iterations in magento2In Magento 2, how to set custom grandtotal amount in order, invoice and credit memos
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Magento 2 How to grandtotal in order summary set via model?
main.CRITICAL: Plugin class doesn't existMagento 2: How to override newsletter Subscriber modelMagento2 How to show sku in order summary?Magento : Minimum Grandtotal AmountIn Magento 2.2, How to Place the order after GrandTotal is Rs. 0?Checkout Order Summary Update Selected Payment MethodMagento offline custom Payment method with drop down listMonolog Error After 2.2 UpgradeHow to solve Front controller reached 100 router match iterations in magento2In Magento 2, how to set custom grandtotal amount in order, invoice and credit memos
I am using Magento2 and in order summary, some customize in tax after grandtotal display old not new so anyone idea to setGrandTotal via a model.
If anyone idea reply to me
Below my code added in this file /vendor/magento/module-tax/Model/Sales/Total/Quote/Tax.php
this is my code added here but in log i get grandtotal proper but in froented side old total display.
public function collect(
MagentoQuoteModelQuote $quote,
MagentoQuoteApiDataShippingAssignmentInterface $shippingAssignment,
MagentoQuoteModelQuoteAddressTotal $total
if (!$shippingAssignment->getItems())
return $this;
$baseTaxDetails = $this->getQuoteTaxDetails($shippingAssignment, $total, true);
$taxDetails = $this->getQuoteTaxDetails($shippingAssignment, $total, false);
//Populate address and items with tax calculation results
$itemsByType = $this->organizeItemTaxDetailsByType($taxDetails, $baseTaxDetails);
if (isset($itemsByType[self::ITEM_TYPE_PRODUCT]))
$this->processProductItems($shippingAssignment, $itemsByType[self::ITEM_TYPE_PRODUCT], $total);
if (isset($itemsByType[self::ITEM_TYPE_SHIPPING]))
$shippingTaxDetails = $itemsByType[self::ITEM_TYPE_SHIPPING][self::ITEM_CODE_SHIPPING][self::KEY_ITEM];
$baseShippingTaxDetails =
$this->processShippingTaxInfo($shippingAssignment, $total, $shippingTaxDetails, $baseShippingTaxDetails);
//Process taxable items that are not product or shipping
$this->processExtraTaxables($total, $itemsByType);
//Save applied taxes for each item and the quote in aggregation
$this->processAppliedTaxes($total, $shippingAssignment, $itemsByType);
if ($this->includeExtraTax())
$total->addTotalAmount('extra_tax', $total->getExtraTaxAmount());
$total->addBaseTotalAmount('extra_tax', $total->getBaseExtraTaxAmount());
// custom code for
$objectManager = MagentoFrameworkAppObjectManager::getInstance();
$customerSession = $objectManager->create('MagentoCheckoutModelSession');
$cart = $objectManager->get('MagentoCheckoutModelCart');
$billingAddress = $cart->getQuote()->getShippingAddress();
$regon_id = $billingAddress->getData('region_id');
$zipcode = $billingAddress->getData('postcode');
$subtotal = $total->getTotalAmount('subtotal');
$writer = new ZendLogWriterStream(BP . '/var/log/tax.log');
$logger = new ZendLogLogger();
$deliveryId = $customerSession->getDeliveryid();
$nyczipcode = $objectManager->get('MagentoFrameworkAppConfigScopeConfigInterface')->getValue('deliveryoptions_customfee/deliveryoptions_customfee/deliveryoptions_zipcode');
$nyczipcode = explode(',', $nyczipcode);
$resource = $objectManager->get('MagentoFrameworkAppResourceConnection');
$connection = $resource->getConnection();
$tcr = $resource->getTableName('tax_calculation_rate');
$taxrate = "select rate from " . $tcr . " WHERE tax_postcode = $zipcode";
$result = $connection->fetchAll($taxrate);
if (!in_array($zipcode, $nyczipcode))
$newsubvalue = $subtotal + 200.00;
$taxamount = $newsubvalue / 100 * $result[0]["rate"];
$setGrandTotal = $newsubvalue + $taxamount;
$logger->info("tax if here ".$subtotal);
$logger->info("tax if here ".$taxamount);
$logger->info("tax if here ".$setGrandTotal);
$taxamount = $subtotal / 100 * $result[0]["rate"];
$setGrandTotal = $subtotal + $taxamount;
$logger->info("tax else dddddhere ".$subtotal);
$logger->info("tax else dddddhere ".$taxamount);
$logger->info("tax else dddddhere ".$setGrandTotal);
$setGrandTotal = $subtotal + $taxamount;
$taxamount = $subtotal / 100 * $result[0]["rate"];
$logger->info("tax else here ".$subtotal);
$logger->info("tax else here ".$taxamount);
$logger->info("tax else here ".$setGrandTotal);
return $this;
magento2 checkout grand-total order-summary
add a comment |
I am using Magento2 and in order summary, some customize in tax after grandtotal display old not new so anyone idea to setGrandTotal via a model.
If anyone idea reply to me
Below my code added in this file /vendor/magento/module-tax/Model/Sales/Total/Quote/Tax.php
this is my code added here but in log i get grandtotal proper but in froented side old total display.
public function collect(
MagentoQuoteModelQuote $quote,
MagentoQuoteApiDataShippingAssignmentInterface $shippingAssignment,
MagentoQuoteModelQuoteAddressTotal $total
if (!$shippingAssignment->getItems())
return $this;
$baseTaxDetails = $this->getQuoteTaxDetails($shippingAssignment, $total, true);
$taxDetails = $this->getQuoteTaxDetails($shippingAssignment, $total, false);
//Populate address and items with tax calculation results
$itemsByType = $this->organizeItemTaxDetailsByType($taxDetails, $baseTaxDetails);
if (isset($itemsByType[self::ITEM_TYPE_PRODUCT]))
$this->processProductItems($shippingAssignment, $itemsByType[self::ITEM_TYPE_PRODUCT], $total);
if (isset($itemsByType[self::ITEM_TYPE_SHIPPING]))
$shippingTaxDetails = $itemsByType[self::ITEM_TYPE_SHIPPING][self::ITEM_CODE_SHIPPING][self::KEY_ITEM];
$baseShippingTaxDetails =
$this->processShippingTaxInfo($shippingAssignment, $total, $shippingTaxDetails, $baseShippingTaxDetails);
//Process taxable items that are not product or shipping
$this->processExtraTaxables($total, $itemsByType);
//Save applied taxes for each item and the quote in aggregation
$this->processAppliedTaxes($total, $shippingAssignment, $itemsByType);
if ($this->includeExtraTax())
$total->addTotalAmount('extra_tax', $total->getExtraTaxAmount());
$total->addBaseTotalAmount('extra_tax', $total->getBaseExtraTaxAmount());
// custom code for
$objectManager = MagentoFrameworkAppObjectManager::getInstance();
$customerSession = $objectManager->create('MagentoCheckoutModelSession');
$cart = $objectManager->get('MagentoCheckoutModelCart');
$billingAddress = $cart->getQuote()->getShippingAddress();
$regon_id = $billingAddress->getData('region_id');
$zipcode = $billingAddress->getData('postcode');
$subtotal = $total->getTotalAmount('subtotal');
$writer = new ZendLogWriterStream(BP . '/var/log/tax.log');
$logger = new ZendLogLogger();
$deliveryId = $customerSession->getDeliveryid();
$nyczipcode = $objectManager->get('MagentoFrameworkAppConfigScopeConfigInterface')->getValue('deliveryoptions_customfee/deliveryoptions_customfee/deliveryoptions_zipcode');
$nyczipcode = explode(',', $nyczipcode);
$resource = $objectManager->get('MagentoFrameworkAppResourceConnection');
$connection = $resource->getConnection();
$tcr = $resource->getTableName('tax_calculation_rate');
$taxrate = "select rate from " . $tcr . " WHERE tax_postcode = $zipcode";
$result = $connection->fetchAll($taxrate);
if (!in_array($zipcode, $nyczipcode))
$newsubvalue = $subtotal + 200.00;
$taxamount = $newsubvalue / 100 * $result[0]["rate"];
$setGrandTotal = $newsubvalue + $taxamount;
$logger->info("tax if here ".$subtotal);
$logger->info("tax if here ".$taxamount);
$logger->info("tax if here ".$setGrandTotal);
$taxamount = $subtotal / 100 * $result[0]["rate"];
$setGrandTotal = $subtotal + $taxamount;
$logger->info("tax else dddddhere ".$subtotal);
$logger->info("tax else dddddhere ".$taxamount);
$logger->info("tax else dddddhere ".$setGrandTotal);
$setGrandTotal = $subtotal + $taxamount;
$taxamount = $subtotal / 100 * $result[0]["rate"];
$logger->info("tax else here ".$subtotal);
$logger->info("tax else here ".$taxamount);
$logger->info("tax else here ".$setGrandTotal);
return $this;
magento2 checkout grand-total order-summary
add a comment |
I am using Magento2 and in order summary, some customize in tax after grandtotal display old not new so anyone idea to setGrandTotal via a model.
If anyone idea reply to me
Below my code added in this file /vendor/magento/module-tax/Model/Sales/Total/Quote/Tax.php
this is my code added here but in log i get grandtotal proper but in froented side old total display.
public function collect(
MagentoQuoteModelQuote $quote,
MagentoQuoteApiDataShippingAssignmentInterface $shippingAssignment,
MagentoQuoteModelQuoteAddressTotal $total
if (!$shippingAssignment->getItems())
return $this;
$baseTaxDetails = $this->getQuoteTaxDetails($shippingAssignment, $total, true);
$taxDetails = $this->getQuoteTaxDetails($shippingAssignment, $total, false);
//Populate address and items with tax calculation results
$itemsByType = $this->organizeItemTaxDetailsByType($taxDetails, $baseTaxDetails);
if (isset($itemsByType[self::ITEM_TYPE_PRODUCT]))
$this->processProductItems($shippingAssignment, $itemsByType[self::ITEM_TYPE_PRODUCT], $total);
if (isset($itemsByType[self::ITEM_TYPE_SHIPPING]))
$shippingTaxDetails = $itemsByType[self::ITEM_TYPE_SHIPPING][self::ITEM_CODE_SHIPPING][self::KEY_ITEM];
$baseShippingTaxDetails =
$this->processShippingTaxInfo($shippingAssignment, $total, $shippingTaxDetails, $baseShippingTaxDetails);
//Process taxable items that are not product or shipping
$this->processExtraTaxables($total, $itemsByType);
//Save applied taxes for each item and the quote in aggregation
$this->processAppliedTaxes($total, $shippingAssignment, $itemsByType);
if ($this->includeExtraTax())
$total->addTotalAmount('extra_tax', $total->getExtraTaxAmount());
$total->addBaseTotalAmount('extra_tax', $total->getBaseExtraTaxAmount());
// custom code for
$objectManager = MagentoFrameworkAppObjectManager::getInstance();
$customerSession = $objectManager->create('MagentoCheckoutModelSession');
$cart = $objectManager->get('MagentoCheckoutModelCart');
$billingAddress = $cart->getQuote()->getShippingAddress();
$regon_id = $billingAddress->getData('region_id');
$zipcode = $billingAddress->getData('postcode');
$subtotal = $total->getTotalAmount('subtotal');
$writer = new ZendLogWriterStream(BP . '/var/log/tax.log');
$logger = new ZendLogLogger();
$deliveryId = $customerSession->getDeliveryid();
$nyczipcode = $objectManager->get('MagentoFrameworkAppConfigScopeConfigInterface')->getValue('deliveryoptions_customfee/deliveryoptions_customfee/deliveryoptions_zipcode');
$nyczipcode = explode(',', $nyczipcode);
$resource = $objectManager->get('MagentoFrameworkAppResourceConnection');
$connection = $resource->getConnection();
$tcr = $resource->getTableName('tax_calculation_rate');
$taxrate = "select rate from " . $tcr . " WHERE tax_postcode = $zipcode";
$result = $connection->fetchAll($taxrate);
if (!in_array($zipcode, $nyczipcode))
$newsubvalue = $subtotal + 200.00;
$taxamount = $newsubvalue / 100 * $result[0]["rate"];
$setGrandTotal = $newsubvalue + $taxamount;
$logger->info("tax if here ".$subtotal);
$logger->info("tax if here ".$taxamount);
$logger->info("tax if here ".$setGrandTotal);
$taxamount = $subtotal / 100 * $result[0]["rate"];
$setGrandTotal = $subtotal + $taxamount;
$logger->info("tax else dddddhere ".$subtotal);
$logger->info("tax else dddddhere ".$taxamount);
$logger->info("tax else dddddhere ".$setGrandTotal);
$setGrandTotal = $subtotal + $taxamount;
$taxamount = $subtotal / 100 * $result[0]["rate"];
$logger->info("tax else here ".$subtotal);
$logger->info("tax else here ".$taxamount);
$logger->info("tax else here ".$setGrandTotal);
return $this;
magento2 checkout grand-total order-summary
I am using Magento2 and in order summary, some customize in tax after grandtotal display old not new so anyone idea to setGrandTotal via a model.
If anyone idea reply to me
Below my code added in this file /vendor/magento/module-tax/Model/Sales/Total/Quote/Tax.php
this is my code added here but in log i get grandtotal proper but in froented side old total display.
public function collect(
MagentoQuoteModelQuote $quote,
MagentoQuoteApiDataShippingAssignmentInterface $shippingAssignment,
MagentoQuoteModelQuoteAddressTotal $total
if (!$shippingAssignment->getItems())
return $this;
$baseTaxDetails = $this->getQuoteTaxDetails($shippingAssignment, $total, true);
$taxDetails = $this->getQuoteTaxDetails($shippingAssignment, $total, false);
//Populate address and items with tax calculation results
$itemsByType = $this->organizeItemTaxDetailsByType($taxDetails, $baseTaxDetails);
if (isset($itemsByType[self::ITEM_TYPE_PRODUCT]))
$this->processProductItems($shippingAssignment, $itemsByType[self::ITEM_TYPE_PRODUCT], $total);
if (isset($itemsByType[self::ITEM_TYPE_SHIPPING]))
$shippingTaxDetails = $itemsByType[self::ITEM_TYPE_SHIPPING][self::ITEM_CODE_SHIPPING][self::KEY_ITEM];
$baseShippingTaxDetails =
$this->processShippingTaxInfo($shippingAssignment, $total, $shippingTaxDetails, $baseShippingTaxDetails);
//Process taxable items that are not product or shipping
$this->processExtraTaxables($total, $itemsByType);
//Save applied taxes for each item and the quote in aggregation
$this->processAppliedTaxes($total, $shippingAssignment, $itemsByType);
if ($this->includeExtraTax())
$total->addTotalAmount('extra_tax', $total->getExtraTaxAmount());
$total->addBaseTotalAmount('extra_tax', $total->getBaseExtraTaxAmount());
// custom code for
$objectManager = MagentoFrameworkAppObjectManager::getInstance();
$customerSession = $objectManager->create('MagentoCheckoutModelSession');
$cart = $objectManager->get('MagentoCheckoutModelCart');
$billingAddress = $cart->getQuote()->getShippingAddress();
$regon_id = $billingAddress->getData('region_id');
$zipcode = $billingAddress->getData('postcode');
$subtotal = $total->getTotalAmount('subtotal');
$writer = new ZendLogWriterStream(BP . '/var/log/tax.log');
$logger = new ZendLogLogger();
$deliveryId = $customerSession->getDeliveryid();
$nyczipcode = $objectManager->get('MagentoFrameworkAppConfigScopeConfigInterface')->getValue('deliveryoptions_customfee/deliveryoptions_customfee/deliveryoptions_zipcode');
$nyczipcode = explode(',', $nyczipcode);
$resource = $objectManager->get('MagentoFrameworkAppResourceConnection');
$connection = $resource->getConnection();
$tcr = $resource->getTableName('tax_calculation_rate');
$taxrate = "select rate from " . $tcr . " WHERE tax_postcode = $zipcode";
$result = $connection->fetchAll($taxrate);
if (!in_array($zipcode, $nyczipcode))
$newsubvalue = $subtotal + 200.00;
$taxamount = $newsubvalue / 100 * $result[0]["rate"];
$setGrandTotal = $newsubvalue + $taxamount;
$logger->info("tax if here ".$subtotal);
$logger->info("tax if here ".$taxamount);
$logger->info("tax if here ".$setGrandTotal);
$taxamount = $subtotal / 100 * $result[0]["rate"];
$setGrandTotal = $subtotal + $taxamount;
$logger->info("tax else dddddhere ".$subtotal);
$logger->info("tax else dddddhere ".$taxamount);
$logger->info("tax else dddddhere ".$setGrandTotal);
$setGrandTotal = $subtotal + $taxamount;
$taxamount = $subtotal / 100 * $result[0]["rate"];
$logger->info("tax else here ".$subtotal);
$logger->info("tax else here ".$taxamount);
$logger->info("tax else here ".$setGrandTotal);
return $this;
magento2 checkout grand-total order-summary
magento2 checkout grand-total order-summary
edited yesterday
Rv Singh
asked yesterday


Rv SinghRv Singh
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1 Answer
I did it before with this code.
if ($discountAmount >= 0)
$total = $quote->getBaseSubtotal();
$canAddItems = $quote->isVirtual() ? ('billing') : ('shipping');
foreach ($quote->getAllAddresses() as $address)
$address->setGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
$address->setBaseGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
($priceTotal - $discountAmount)
($priceTotal - $discountAmount)
$quote->setGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
$quote->setBaseGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
$quote->setGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal)
->setBaseGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal)
->setSubtotalWithDiscount($priceTotal - $discountAmount)
->setBaseSubtotalWithDiscount($priceTotal - $discountAmount)
if ($address->getAddressType() == $canAddItems)
$address->setSubtotalWithDiscount($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
$address->setGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
$address->setBaseSubtotalWithDiscount($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
$address->setBaseGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
if ($address->getDiscountDescription())
// $address->setDiscountDescription($address->getDiscountDescription() . ', Gift Sets');
// $address->setDiscountDescription('');
foreach ($quote->getAllItems() as $item)
Update :
Yes, you will get wrong in the frontend side, cause you don't do it with event. Try to did it too with sales_quote_collect_totals_after
event to change the grand total.
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Your Answer
var channelOptions =
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function ()
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Post as a guest
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1 Answer
1 Answer
I did it before with this code.
if ($discountAmount >= 0)
$total = $quote->getBaseSubtotal();
$canAddItems = $quote->isVirtual() ? ('billing') : ('shipping');
foreach ($quote->getAllAddresses() as $address)
$address->setGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
$address->setBaseGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
($priceTotal - $discountAmount)
($priceTotal - $discountAmount)
$quote->setGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
$quote->setBaseGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
$quote->setGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal)
->setBaseGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal)
->setSubtotalWithDiscount($priceTotal - $discountAmount)
->setBaseSubtotalWithDiscount($priceTotal - $discountAmount)
if ($address->getAddressType() == $canAddItems)
$address->setSubtotalWithDiscount($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
$address->setGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
$address->setBaseSubtotalWithDiscount($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
$address->setBaseGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
if ($address->getDiscountDescription())
// $address->setDiscountDescription($address->getDiscountDescription() . ', Gift Sets');
// $address->setDiscountDescription('');
foreach ($quote->getAllItems() as $item)
Update :
Yes, you will get wrong in the frontend side, cause you don't do it with event. Try to did it too with sales_quote_collect_totals_after
event to change the grand total.
add a comment |
I did it before with this code.
if ($discountAmount >= 0)
$total = $quote->getBaseSubtotal();
$canAddItems = $quote->isVirtual() ? ('billing') : ('shipping');
foreach ($quote->getAllAddresses() as $address)
$address->setGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
$address->setBaseGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
($priceTotal - $discountAmount)
($priceTotal - $discountAmount)
$quote->setGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
$quote->setBaseGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
$quote->setGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal)
->setBaseGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal)
->setSubtotalWithDiscount($priceTotal - $discountAmount)
->setBaseSubtotalWithDiscount($priceTotal - $discountAmount)
if ($address->getAddressType() == $canAddItems)
$address->setSubtotalWithDiscount($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
$address->setGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
$address->setBaseSubtotalWithDiscount($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
$address->setBaseGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
if ($address->getDiscountDescription())
// $address->setDiscountDescription($address->getDiscountDescription() . ', Gift Sets');
// $address->setDiscountDescription('');
foreach ($quote->getAllItems() as $item)
Update :
Yes, you will get wrong in the frontend side, cause you don't do it with event. Try to did it too with sales_quote_collect_totals_after
event to change the grand total.
add a comment |
I did it before with this code.
if ($discountAmount >= 0)
$total = $quote->getBaseSubtotal();
$canAddItems = $quote->isVirtual() ? ('billing') : ('shipping');
foreach ($quote->getAllAddresses() as $address)
$address->setGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
$address->setBaseGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
($priceTotal - $discountAmount)
($priceTotal - $discountAmount)
$quote->setGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
$quote->setBaseGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
$quote->setGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal)
->setBaseGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal)
->setSubtotalWithDiscount($priceTotal - $discountAmount)
->setBaseSubtotalWithDiscount($priceTotal - $discountAmount)
if ($address->getAddressType() == $canAddItems)
$address->setSubtotalWithDiscount($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
$address->setGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
$address->setBaseSubtotalWithDiscount($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
$address->setBaseGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
if ($address->getDiscountDescription())
// $address->setDiscountDescription($address->getDiscountDescription() . ', Gift Sets');
// $address->setDiscountDescription('');
foreach ($quote->getAllItems() as $item)
Update :
Yes, you will get wrong in the frontend side, cause you don't do it with event. Try to did it too with sales_quote_collect_totals_after
event to change the grand total.
I did it before with this code.
if ($discountAmount >= 0)
$total = $quote->getBaseSubtotal();
$canAddItems = $quote->isVirtual() ? ('billing') : ('shipping');
foreach ($quote->getAllAddresses() as $address)
$address->setGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
$address->setBaseGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
($priceTotal - $discountAmount)
($priceTotal - $discountAmount)
$quote->setGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
$quote->setBaseGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
$quote->setGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal)
->setBaseGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal)
->setSubtotalWithDiscount($priceTotal - $discountAmount)
->setBaseSubtotalWithDiscount($priceTotal - $discountAmount)
if ($address->getAddressType() == $canAddItems)
$address->setSubtotalWithDiscount($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
$address->setGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
$address->setBaseSubtotalWithDiscount($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
$address->setBaseGrandTotal($priceTotal - $discountAmount + $taxTotal);
if ($address->getDiscountDescription())
// $address->setDiscountDescription($address->getDiscountDescription() . ', Gift Sets');
// $address->setDiscountDescription('');
foreach ($quote->getAllItems() as $item)
Update :
Yes, you will get wrong in the frontend side, cause you don't do it with event. Try to did it too with sales_quote_collect_totals_after
event to change the grand total.
edited 22 hours ago
answered yesterday
Edwin WidhiyantoEdwin Widhiyanto
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