How to advoid Unknown field: MyJSON.number2019 Community Moderator ElectionHow to access the Organization “Currency Locale” ISO Locale code (NOT Currency code) in Apex/SOQLJSON and escaped double quoteJSON.deserialize not ignoring unknown properties.How can i concatenate json format using parseHow Can I Ignore Unknown Json Properties in ApexHow to parse XML data to JSON? How to deserialize XML to Apex class?Apex - How to parse json response to a mapHow to convert Json string with adminbooster and call a valueHow to read JSON that contains field that can have different typescapturing key and value of json as sobject field value

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How to advoid Unknown field: MyJSON.number

2019 Community Moderator ElectionHow to access the Organization “Currency Locale” ISO Locale code (NOT Currency code) in Apex/SOQLJSON and escaped double quoteJSON.deserialize not ignoring unknown properties.How can i concatenate json format using parseHow Can I Ignore Unknown Json Properties in ApexHow to parse XML data to JSON? How to deserialize XML to Apex class?Apex - How to parse json response to a mapHow to convert Json string with adminbooster and call a valueHow to read JSON that contains field that can have different typescapturing key and value of json as sobject field value


I am having trouble with deserialising a jsonstring. In my debug I get the error System.JSONException: Unknown field: MyJSON.number. As number is a reserved field in salesforce I replace it with numberRep. I dont get why I get this error.


global static void createOpportunity()
RestRequest req = RestContext.request;
string a = req.requestBody.toString().remove('\');
system.debug('DEB1: '+ a);
MyJSON tClass = MyJSON.parse(a);
system.debug('DEB2: '+ tClass);
system.debug('DEB3: '+ tClass.billing.address_1 );
system.debug('DEB4: '+ tClass.cart_hash);


public class MyJSON
public Integer id; //160
public Integer parent_id; //0
public String numberRep; //160
public String order_key; //wc_order_mGsqFiG3RfTGz
public String created_via; //admin
public String version; //3.5.7
public String status; //pending
public String currencyRep; //EUR
public String date_created; //2019-03-22T07:29:08
public String date_created_gmt; //2019-03-22T07:29:08
public String date_modified; //2019-03-22T07:29:14
public String date_modified_gmt; //2019-03-22T07:29:14
public String discount_total; //0.00
public String discount_tax; //0.00
public String shipping_total; //0.00
public String shipping_tax; //0.00
public String cart_tax; //0.00
public String total; //0.00
public String total_tax; //0.00
public boolean prices_include_tax;
public Integer customer_id; //0
public String customer_ip_address; //
public String customer_user_agent; //
public String customer_note; //
public cls_billing billing;
public cls_shipping shipping;
public String payment_method; //
public String payment_method_title; //
public String transaction_id; //
public cls_date_paid date_paid;
public cls_date_paid_gmt date_paid_gmt;
public cls_date_completed date_completed;
public cls_date_completed_gmt date_completed_gmt;
public String cart_hash; //
public cls_meta_data[] meta_data;
public cls_line_items[] line_items;
public cls_tax_lines[] tax_lines;
public cls_shipping_lines[] shipping_lines;
public cls_fee_lines[] fee_lines;
public cls_coupon_lines[] coupon_lines;
public cls_refunds[] refunds;
public class cls_billing
public String first_name; //
public String last_name; //
public String company; //
public String address_1; //
public String address_2; //
public String city; //
public String state; //
public String postcode; //
public String country; //
public String email; //
public String phone; //

public class cls_shipping
public String first_name; //
public String last_name; //
public String company; //
public String address_1; //
public String address_2; //
public String city; //
public String state; //
public String postcode; //
public String country; //

public class cls_date_paid

public class cls_date_paid_gmt

public class cls_date_completed

public class cls_date_completed_gmt

public class cls_meta_data

public class cls_line_items

public class cls_tax_lines

public class cls_shipping_lines

public class cls_fee_lines

public class cls_coupon_lines

public class cls_refunds

public static MyJSON parse(String json)
String jsonReplace = json.replace('"currency":', '"currencyRep":');
jsonReplace = jsonReplace.replace('"number"','"numberRep"');
return (MyJSON) System.JSON.deserializeStrict(json, MyJSON.class);



share|improve this question

  • N.B. Consider the convention currencyX and numberX instead of currencyRep, and numberRep

    – cropredy


I am having trouble with deserialising a jsonstring. In my debug I get the error System.JSONException: Unknown field: MyJSON.number. As number is a reserved field in salesforce I replace it with numberRep. I dont get why I get this error.


global static void createOpportunity()
RestRequest req = RestContext.request;
string a = req.requestBody.toString().remove('\');
system.debug('DEB1: '+ a);
MyJSON tClass = MyJSON.parse(a);
system.debug('DEB2: '+ tClass);
system.debug('DEB3: '+ tClass.billing.address_1 );
system.debug('DEB4: '+ tClass.cart_hash);


public class MyJSON
public Integer id; //160
public Integer parent_id; //0
public String numberRep; //160
public String order_key; //wc_order_mGsqFiG3RfTGz
public String created_via; //admin
public String version; //3.5.7
public String status; //pending
public String currencyRep; //EUR
public String date_created; //2019-03-22T07:29:08
public String date_created_gmt; //2019-03-22T07:29:08
public String date_modified; //2019-03-22T07:29:14
public String date_modified_gmt; //2019-03-22T07:29:14
public String discount_total; //0.00
public String discount_tax; //0.00
public String shipping_total; //0.00
public String shipping_tax; //0.00
public String cart_tax; //0.00
public String total; //0.00
public String total_tax; //0.00
public boolean prices_include_tax;
public Integer customer_id; //0
public String customer_ip_address; //
public String customer_user_agent; //
public String customer_note; //
public cls_billing billing;
public cls_shipping shipping;
public String payment_method; //
public String payment_method_title; //
public String transaction_id; //
public cls_date_paid date_paid;
public cls_date_paid_gmt date_paid_gmt;
public cls_date_completed date_completed;
public cls_date_completed_gmt date_completed_gmt;
public String cart_hash; //
public cls_meta_data[] meta_data;
public cls_line_items[] line_items;
public cls_tax_lines[] tax_lines;
public cls_shipping_lines[] shipping_lines;
public cls_fee_lines[] fee_lines;
public cls_coupon_lines[] coupon_lines;
public cls_refunds[] refunds;
public class cls_billing
public String first_name; //
public String last_name; //
public String company; //
public String address_1; //
public String address_2; //
public String city; //
public String state; //
public String postcode; //
public String country; //
public String email; //
public String phone; //

public class cls_shipping
public String first_name; //
public String last_name; //
public String company; //
public String address_1; //
public String address_2; //
public String city; //
public String state; //
public String postcode; //
public String country; //

public class cls_date_paid

public class cls_date_paid_gmt

public class cls_date_completed

public class cls_date_completed_gmt

public class cls_meta_data

public class cls_line_items

public class cls_tax_lines

public class cls_shipping_lines

public class cls_fee_lines

public class cls_coupon_lines

public class cls_refunds

public static MyJSON parse(String json)
String jsonReplace = json.replace('"currency":', '"currencyRep":');
jsonReplace = jsonReplace.replace('"number"','"numberRep"');
return (MyJSON) System.JSON.deserializeStrict(json, MyJSON.class);



share|improve this question

  • N.B. Consider the convention currencyX and numberX instead of currencyRep, and numberRep

    – cropredy




I am having trouble with deserialising a jsonstring. In my debug I get the error System.JSONException: Unknown field: MyJSON.number. As number is a reserved field in salesforce I replace it with numberRep. I dont get why I get this error.


global static void createOpportunity()
RestRequest req = RestContext.request;
string a = req.requestBody.toString().remove('\');
system.debug('DEB1: '+ a);
MyJSON tClass = MyJSON.parse(a);
system.debug('DEB2: '+ tClass);
system.debug('DEB3: '+ tClass.billing.address_1 );
system.debug('DEB4: '+ tClass.cart_hash);


public class MyJSON
public Integer id; //160
public Integer parent_id; //0
public String numberRep; //160
public String order_key; //wc_order_mGsqFiG3RfTGz
public String created_via; //admin
public String version; //3.5.7
public String status; //pending
public String currencyRep; //EUR
public String date_created; //2019-03-22T07:29:08
public String date_created_gmt; //2019-03-22T07:29:08
public String date_modified; //2019-03-22T07:29:14
public String date_modified_gmt; //2019-03-22T07:29:14
public String discount_total; //0.00
public String discount_tax; //0.00
public String shipping_total; //0.00
public String shipping_tax; //0.00
public String cart_tax; //0.00
public String total; //0.00
public String total_tax; //0.00
public boolean prices_include_tax;
public Integer customer_id; //0
public String customer_ip_address; //
public String customer_user_agent; //
public String customer_note; //
public cls_billing billing;
public cls_shipping shipping;
public String payment_method; //
public String payment_method_title; //
public String transaction_id; //
public cls_date_paid date_paid;
public cls_date_paid_gmt date_paid_gmt;
public cls_date_completed date_completed;
public cls_date_completed_gmt date_completed_gmt;
public String cart_hash; //
public cls_meta_data[] meta_data;
public cls_line_items[] line_items;
public cls_tax_lines[] tax_lines;
public cls_shipping_lines[] shipping_lines;
public cls_fee_lines[] fee_lines;
public cls_coupon_lines[] coupon_lines;
public cls_refunds[] refunds;
public class cls_billing
public String first_name; //
public String last_name; //
public String company; //
public String address_1; //
public String address_2; //
public String city; //
public String state; //
public String postcode; //
public String country; //
public String email; //
public String phone; //

public class cls_shipping
public String first_name; //
public String last_name; //
public String company; //
public String address_1; //
public String address_2; //
public String city; //
public String state; //
public String postcode; //
public String country; //

public class cls_date_paid

public class cls_date_paid_gmt

public class cls_date_completed

public class cls_date_completed_gmt

public class cls_meta_data

public class cls_line_items

public class cls_tax_lines

public class cls_shipping_lines

public class cls_fee_lines

public class cls_coupon_lines

public class cls_refunds

public static MyJSON parse(String json)
String jsonReplace = json.replace('"currency":', '"currencyRep":');
jsonReplace = jsonReplace.replace('"number"','"numberRep"');
return (MyJSON) System.JSON.deserializeStrict(json, MyJSON.class);



share|improve this question

I am having trouble with deserialising a jsonstring. In my debug I get the error System.JSONException: Unknown field: MyJSON.number. As number is a reserved field in salesforce I replace it with numberRep. I dont get why I get this error.


global static void createOpportunity()
RestRequest req = RestContext.request;
string a = req.requestBody.toString().remove('\');
system.debug('DEB1: '+ a);
MyJSON tClass = MyJSON.parse(a);
system.debug('DEB2: '+ tClass);
system.debug('DEB3: '+ tClass.billing.address_1 );
system.debug('DEB4: '+ tClass.cart_hash);


public class MyJSON
public Integer id; //160
public Integer parent_id; //0
public String numberRep; //160
public String order_key; //wc_order_mGsqFiG3RfTGz
public String created_via; //admin
public String version; //3.5.7
public String status; //pending
public String currencyRep; //EUR
public String date_created; //2019-03-22T07:29:08
public String date_created_gmt; //2019-03-22T07:29:08
public String date_modified; //2019-03-22T07:29:14
public String date_modified_gmt; //2019-03-22T07:29:14
public String discount_total; //0.00
public String discount_tax; //0.00
public String shipping_total; //0.00
public String shipping_tax; //0.00
public String cart_tax; //0.00
public String total; //0.00
public String total_tax; //0.00
public boolean prices_include_tax;
public Integer customer_id; //0
public String customer_ip_address; //
public String customer_user_agent; //
public String customer_note; //
public cls_billing billing;
public cls_shipping shipping;
public String payment_method; //
public String payment_method_title; //
public String transaction_id; //
public cls_date_paid date_paid;
public cls_date_paid_gmt date_paid_gmt;
public cls_date_completed date_completed;
public cls_date_completed_gmt date_completed_gmt;
public String cart_hash; //
public cls_meta_data[] meta_data;
public cls_line_items[] line_items;
public cls_tax_lines[] tax_lines;
public cls_shipping_lines[] shipping_lines;
public cls_fee_lines[] fee_lines;
public cls_coupon_lines[] coupon_lines;
public cls_refunds[] refunds;
public class cls_billing
public String first_name; //
public String last_name; //
public String company; //
public String address_1; //
public String address_2; //
public String city; //
public String state; //
public String postcode; //
public String country; //
public String email; //
public String phone; //

public class cls_shipping
public String first_name; //
public String last_name; //
public String company; //
public String address_1; //
public String address_2; //
public String city; //
public String state; //
public String postcode; //
public String country; //

public class cls_date_paid

public class cls_date_paid_gmt

public class cls_date_completed

public class cls_date_completed_gmt

public class cls_meta_data

public class cls_line_items

public class cls_tax_lines

public class cls_shipping_lines

public class cls_fee_lines

public class cls_coupon_lines

public class cls_refunds

public static MyJSON parse(String json)
String jsonReplace = json.replace('"currency":', '"currencyRep":');
jsonReplace = jsonReplace.replace('"number"','"numberRep"');
return (MyJSON) System.JSON.deserializeStrict(json, MyJSON.class);



apex json deserialize parser

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edited yesterday


asked yesterday




  • N.B. Consider the convention currencyX and numberX instead of currencyRep, and numberRep

    – cropredy

  • N.B. Consider the convention currencyX and numberX instead of currencyRep, and numberRep

    – cropredy

N.B. Consider the convention currencyX and numberX instead of currencyRep, and numberRep

– cropredy

N.B. Consider the convention currencyX and numberX instead of currencyRep, and numberRep

– cropredy

1 Answer





Your class passes the wrong string to JSON.deserialize().

public static MyJSON parse(String json){
String jsonReplace = json.replace('"currency":', '"currencyRep":');
jsonReplace = jsonReplace.replace('"number"','"numberRep"');
return (MyJSON) System.JSON.deserializeStrict(json, MyJSON.class);

You're transforming the string, but then not using the transformed version. Change the final line to

 return (MyJSON) System.JSON.deserializeStrict(jsonReplace, MyJSON.class);

share|improve this answer

  • Kicking myself right now for not seeing this.

    – Derek F

  • @DavidReed Thanks! I feel really bad for missing this one.

    – Thomas

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1 Answer











Your class passes the wrong string to JSON.deserialize().

public static MyJSON parse(String json){
String jsonReplace = json.replace('"currency":', '"currencyRep":');
jsonReplace = jsonReplace.replace('"number"','"numberRep"');
return (MyJSON) System.JSON.deserializeStrict(json, MyJSON.class);

You're transforming the string, but then not using the transformed version. Change the final line to

 return (MyJSON) System.JSON.deserializeStrict(jsonReplace, MyJSON.class);

share|improve this answer

  • Kicking myself right now for not seeing this.

    – Derek F

  • @DavidReed Thanks! I feel really bad for missing this one.

    – Thomas


Your class passes the wrong string to JSON.deserialize().

public static MyJSON parse(String json){
String jsonReplace = json.replace('"currency":', '"currencyRep":');
jsonReplace = jsonReplace.replace('"number"','"numberRep"');
return (MyJSON) System.JSON.deserializeStrict(json, MyJSON.class);

You're transforming the string, but then not using the transformed version. Change the final line to

 return (MyJSON) System.JSON.deserializeStrict(jsonReplace, MyJSON.class);

share|improve this answer

  • Kicking myself right now for not seeing this.

    – Derek F

  • @DavidReed Thanks! I feel really bad for missing this one.

    – Thomas




Your class passes the wrong string to JSON.deserialize().

public static MyJSON parse(String json){
String jsonReplace = json.replace('"currency":', '"currencyRep":');
jsonReplace = jsonReplace.replace('"number"','"numberRep"');
return (MyJSON) System.JSON.deserializeStrict(json, MyJSON.class);

You're transforming the string, but then not using the transformed version. Change the final line to

 return (MyJSON) System.JSON.deserializeStrict(jsonReplace, MyJSON.class);

share|improve this answer

Your class passes the wrong string to JSON.deserialize().

public static MyJSON parse(String json){
String jsonReplace = json.replace('"currency":', '"currencyRep":');
jsonReplace = jsonReplace.replace('"number"','"numberRep"');
return (MyJSON) System.JSON.deserializeStrict(json, MyJSON.class);

You're transforming the string, but then not using the transformed version. Change the final line to

 return (MyJSON) System.JSON.deserializeStrict(jsonReplace, MyJSON.class);

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

answered yesterday

David ReedDavid Reed



  • Kicking myself right now for not seeing this.

    – Derek F

  • @DavidReed Thanks! I feel really bad for missing this one.

    – Thomas

  • Kicking myself right now for not seeing this.

    – Derek F

  • @DavidReed Thanks! I feel really bad for missing this one.

    – Thomas

Kicking myself right now for not seeing this.

– Derek F

Kicking myself right now for not seeing this.

– Derek F

@DavidReed Thanks! I feel really bad for missing this one.

– Thomas

@DavidReed Thanks! I feel really bad for missing this one.

– Thomas

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