A lot of mysterious executable files inside /Users/SharedMavericks: User no longer owner of Home folder and contentIs it possible to remove the “Shared” folder under Users?How to display tagged files inside hidden directories?Where are stored C “object” and “executable” files in Xcode?What are locked files (already inside Trash)?OS X: common paths for executable filesWhy under /bin are there so many ‘Unix executable files’?Access iCloud shared photo stream files on filesystemRecovering folders in executable drive converted into 0 byte “Unix Executable” filesAutomatically tag newly shared files?

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A lot of mysterious executable files inside /Users/Shared

Mavericks: User no longer owner of Home folder and contentIs it possible to remove the “Shared” folder under Users?How to display tagged files inside hidden directories?Where are stored C “object” and “executable” files in Xcode?What are locked files (already inside Trash)?OS X: common paths for executable filesWhy under /bin are there so many ‘Unix executable files’?Access iCloud shared photo stream files on filesystemRecovering folders in executable drive converted into 0 byte “Unix Executable” filesAutomatically tag newly shared files?


Recently I've noticed that a lot of mysterious .tar.gz and executable files have spawned inside my Shared folder, and by a lot I mean 466 total.

/Users/Shared $ ls | wc -l

I'm the only user on my Macbook Pro and out of the 466, I only recognized 6 of them being folders with an installed application name (CleanMyMac, Renewed Vision Media, etc) so those are not the problem. As for the rest, they look horrific:

 ls -l /Users/Shared
total 824456
drwxrwxr-x 5 root wheel 160 Feb 12 14:38 Adobe
drwxrwxrwx 2 root wheel 64 Aug 10 2018 AdobeInstalledCodecs
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 12 10:02 App_01D422FE-C147-4010-9A44-D4358E33D212-1210-0000006734D5E80A
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Dec 17 10:32 App_01D422FE-C147-4010-9A44-D4358E33D212-1210-0000006734D5E80A.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:28 App_02966A96-E2BC-48F1-A082-387BFD2559A6-1246-0000005E71CF0D2B
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Jan 31 20:29 App_02966A96-E2BC-48F1-A082-387BFD2559A6-1246-0000005E71CF0D2B.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 3 jonathanfilbert wheel 96 Dec 2 00:44 App_041C25CA-E276-4BBD-87FF-1AAF42FB62CF-1199-0000004DE163A3E6
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Dec 2 00:44 App_041C25CA-E276-4BBD-87FF-1AAF42FB62CF-1199-0000004DE163A3E6.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:29 App_05BDF17A-375B-45DA-B054-D77F0BBA7061-1166-000000502FEEE31D
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Dec 28 16:51 App_05BDF17A-375B-45DA-B054-D77F0BBA7061-1166-000000502FEEE31D.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 3 jonathanfilbert wheel 96 Nov 26 13:54 App_070BFBA2-26D0-448F-9123-DADD3A2ECB49-1218-0000007FCF9E349B
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Nov 26 13:54 App_070BFBA2-26D0-448F-9123-DADD3A2ECB49-1218-0000007FCF9E349B.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:28 App_0977FD4D-5953-4F70-BE63-FD750A3BF6DC-1231-0000005027783E91
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Jan 11 12:44 App_0977FD4D-5953-4F70-BE63-FD750A3BF6DC-1231-0000005027783E91.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:28 App_0A03682C-6DB4-4908-B386-A6BB644D3C74-1276-0000005B2AD5C511
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Jan 17 11:10 App_0A03682C-6DB4-4908-B386-A6BB644D3C74-1276-0000005B2AD5C511.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:28 App_0A8D9DBD-BAA7-444B-9E85-87972AF665EF-1216-0000005A3907D09A
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Dec 23 15:53 App_0A8D9DBD-BAA7-444B-9E85-87972AF665EF-1216-0000005A3907D09A.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 3 jonathanfilbert wheel 96 Dec 9 19:22 App_0ABFFC9E-731F-46BD-B117-17A76FBCA084-1236-0000004ED1B99385
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Dec 9 19:22 App_0ABFFC9E-731F-46BD-B117-17A76FBCA084-1236-0000004ED1B99385.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Mar 23 16:59 App_0C6FC480-EF97-4009-BF39-96F58799E7ED-1192-0000005E9FC8FC9F
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Dec 12 21:02 App_0C6FC480-EF97-4009-BF39-96F58799E7ED-1192-0000005E9FC8FC9F.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 3 jonathanfilbert wheel 96 Dec 15 00:01 App_0DAD0990-45B0-4F11-A37A-DC9F8784C3C9-1185-000000610AEAD23D
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Dec 15 00:01 App_0DAD0990-45B0-4F11-A37A-DC9F8784C3C9-1185-000000610AEAD23D.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 3 jonathanfilbert wheel 96 Nov 30 21:13 App_0F3DAB99-B214-4DBF-BBE4-A51C779F6987-1153-0000006B23FCBCB3
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Nov 30 21:13 App_0F3DAB99-B214-4DBF-BBE4-A51C779F6987-1153-0000006B23FCBCB3.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 3 jonathanfilbert wheel 96 Dec 5 08:53 App_126A36AB-A0C5-4D4C-A23A-113EA6E7C970-1806-0000009535B1B6CB
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Dec 5 08:53 App_126A36AB-A0C5-4D4C-A23A-113EA6E7C970-1806-0000009535B1B6CB.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 21 15:40 App_12E3E8A1-9788-4ABF-915A-F199A0C6143C-1221-000000541C12C17A
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Dec 16 14:36 App_12E3E8A1-9788-4ABF-915A-F199A0C6143C-1221-000000541C12C17A.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:28 App_12EBEA64-5051-4122-89DF-9FB8DADAA41B-1275-00000063D967AF8B
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Jan 11 23:07 App_12EBEA64-5051-4122-89DF-9FB8DADAA41B-1275-00000063D967AF8B.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 3 jonathanfilbert wheel 96 Nov 19 15:51 App_149EDAB5-6A58-40F6-9FC8-B3E4F3279538-1218-0000006CC5FF38F4
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Nov 19 15:51 App_149EDAB5-6A58-40F6-9FC8-B3E4F3279538-1218-0000006CC5FF38F4.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:28 App_16277D4A-ACA9-4730-8929-892500D29B19-1132-000000503FDB731F
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Dec 31 14:57 App_16277D4A-ACA9-4730-8929-892500D29B19-1132-000000503FDB731F.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 3 jonathanfilbert wheel 96 Nov 8 20:18 App_16A18583-FD97-4644-BF06-137B0FFD35E1-1204-0000006A2372C7CA
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Nov 8 20:18 App_16A18583-FD97-4644-BF06-137B0FFD35E1-1204-0000006A2372C7CA.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:28 App_175B9F9E-2372-4165-AA2B-F0123E12ABEB-1895-00000095CD045C8F
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Jan 17 19:50 App_175B9F9E-2372-4165-AA2B-F0123E12ABEB-1895-00000095CD045C8F.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:28 App_17D25F31-21C7-4C55-97B4-278F3EF29F8B-1295-0000004E3FCB237E
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Dec 25 00:10 App_17D25F31-21C7-4C55-97B4-278F3EF29F8B-1295-0000004E3FCB237E.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 3 jonathanfilbert wheel 96 Nov 21 18:27 App_18987876-EDA5-44F8-839D-9D0ED9E85C10-1225-00000058DFD63585
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Nov 21 18:27 App_18987876-EDA5-44F8-839D-9D0ED9E85C10-1225-00000058DFD63585.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 3 jonathanfilbert wheel 96 Dec 5 19:01 App_18CFA5BA-85C7-4EC0-930C-73A0847EA055-1197-00000056895B3D96
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Dec 5 19:01 App_18CFA5BA-85C7-4EC0-930C-73A0847EA055-1197-00000056895B3D96.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:28 App_18E54EEA-52A5-4EE5-BC99-1D112C18A214-1352-00000051E2111EC0
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Jan 7 15:44 App_18E54EEA-52A5-4EE5-BC99-1D112C18A214-1352-00000051E2111EC0.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:29 App_1AB67930-C1CE-46E9-AB02-B6E24E0385B7-1223-00000051EB8F1D18
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Feb 2 18:25 App_1AB67930-C1CE-46E9-AB02-B6E24E0385B7-1223-00000051EB8F1D18.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:28 App_1AC8F899-D2AA-4AB9-9BF1-35BE98ED1EDE-16157-000006E2D274F110
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Dec 21 19:17 App_1AC8F899-D2AA-4AB9-9BF1-35BE98ED1EDE-16157-000006E2D274F110.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:28 App_1F263B6A-077E-482C-94FF-3C3D6892F2B9-1324-0000005F3A9C6E56
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Jan 26 12:39 App_1F263B6A-077E-482C-94FF-3C3D6892F2B9-1324-0000005F3A9C6E56.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 3 jonathanfilbert wheel 96 Dec 5 19:34 App_221EA77C-0E38-421F-9BF6-D5465E75EE63-2756-000000D9B2A9FFF6
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Dec 5 19:34 App_221EA77C-0E38-421F-9BF6-D5465E75EE63-2756-000000D9B2A9FFF6.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Mar 23 16:59 App_22BBCFA5-1384-4B28-9688-C5463795FD48-1143-0000006521EDAAE0
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Dec 17 23:39 App_22BBCFA5-1384-4B28-9688-C5463795FD48-1143-0000006521EDAAE0.tar.gz

Here is the ls -l results for some of the directories

-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 244928 Jan 13 20:41 a_0058AB63-F619-42E5-BBA5-86532551CFA3-1193-00000054FCB20168
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Dec 23 15:51 a_0153215B-DE1E-47B0-B4DF-961804DB2CB2-1216-00000057AE7086FB
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Dec 17 13:00 a_01BDBE1A-5EDC-413E-BE41-33A611EF871F-1134-000000754A4E692A
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Jan 2 11:33 a_01F076CE-B02D-4C1F-8058-A4A832333CE7-1291-0000004D445928B5
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Dec 19 14:09 a_02B73853-967A-4723-98BA-D81553A2D7FE-1189-0000004EACDB9D9C
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Nov 11 15:30 a_036B3671-AF44-4439-9BA5-1B31232B6CE1-1243-0000004FA1CF7311
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Nov 17 19:08 a_06AEA1F5-2958-4AAB-A9FE-741837F4FCA9-1206-0000004E458C7071
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Dec 1 23:56 a_0880EF4F-ADF4-4DF5-A0F7-C5689828D5DC-9985-0000041F7999B6FA
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 244928 Jan 16 18:15 a_0898EB66-62FE-4D6A-8D60-E4EC2A2489E4-1178-000000541561A81E
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Dec 8 17:32 a_0ABD7D94-04C0-40FC-A637-01DB09630972-1233-0000004D07EB2930
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Dec 5 12:22 a_0D32C0E7-A993-47B1-A7C6-4D41C2B691E1-1160-0000005194510DAA
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 183456 Dec 25 00:10 a_0D3F7A43-9BB0-4D09-9811-6953AD28AE4D-1295-00000051353554A9
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 244928 Jan 29 21:33 a_0D5D220A-C3C0-49B7-A64B-49C64E3DD865-6976-000000680ED5309B
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Nov 10 23:11 a_1288DB46-490B-49D4-840F-3E725AF6F4AE-1243-0000006C70925320
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 244928 Jan 11 23:08 a_132D252F-B372-468B-A748-D084AEE5E355-1275-0000006BA6ED0EBA
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 244928 Jan 17 19:50 a_141E730D-6CE1-470B-86B9-8CABEF1F4A4C-1895-0000009B37EC280A
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Nov 25 23:53 a_1817CEF5-03C3-4968-8CA9-03F5D24540BF-1330-0000006C576DC205

My question is, aside from the 6 recognized folders, is it safe to delete those things? As they take up quite a lot of space, and recently, I found a malicious file named SystemExtr residing inside one of the folders, and deleted it, but somehow it returned.

share|improve this question

  • 3

    Please don't post screenshots of Terminal output, copy/paste the text instead and apply code formatting (the in the editor menu). While editing, can you please replace the Finder screenshot with the result of ls -l /Users/Shared (not all lines, just 10-20 so we can see the full names, the dates, the permissions etc).

    – nohillside

  • Hey @nohillside thanks for the reply, I've edited the question and replaced the images with code formatted Terminal output. Thanks!

    – Jonathan Filbert

  • Each executable has an associated directory - can you post the ls -l results from one or more of those, please?

    – Pete Cooper

  • Hey @PeteCooper I've modified the question and included what you asked. Thanks in advance!

    – Jonathan Filbert

  • Can you run file on some of these files? Having said that I'm quite sure that you can just delete the whole mess, at least that's what I would do. But this doesn't solve the underlying problem of whether your Mac has some malware of course.

    – nohillside


Recently I've noticed that a lot of mysterious .tar.gz and executable files have spawned inside my Shared folder, and by a lot I mean 466 total.

/Users/Shared $ ls | wc -l

I'm the only user on my Macbook Pro and out of the 466, I only recognized 6 of them being folders with an installed application name (CleanMyMac, Renewed Vision Media, etc) so those are not the problem. As for the rest, they look horrific:

 ls -l /Users/Shared
total 824456
drwxrwxr-x 5 root wheel 160 Feb 12 14:38 Adobe
drwxrwxrwx 2 root wheel 64 Aug 10 2018 AdobeInstalledCodecs
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 12 10:02 App_01D422FE-C147-4010-9A44-D4358E33D212-1210-0000006734D5E80A
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Dec 17 10:32 App_01D422FE-C147-4010-9A44-D4358E33D212-1210-0000006734D5E80A.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:28 App_02966A96-E2BC-48F1-A082-387BFD2559A6-1246-0000005E71CF0D2B
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Jan 31 20:29 App_02966A96-E2BC-48F1-A082-387BFD2559A6-1246-0000005E71CF0D2B.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 3 jonathanfilbert wheel 96 Dec 2 00:44 App_041C25CA-E276-4BBD-87FF-1AAF42FB62CF-1199-0000004DE163A3E6
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Dec 2 00:44 App_041C25CA-E276-4BBD-87FF-1AAF42FB62CF-1199-0000004DE163A3E6.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:29 App_05BDF17A-375B-45DA-B054-D77F0BBA7061-1166-000000502FEEE31D
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Dec 28 16:51 App_05BDF17A-375B-45DA-B054-D77F0BBA7061-1166-000000502FEEE31D.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 3 jonathanfilbert wheel 96 Nov 26 13:54 App_070BFBA2-26D0-448F-9123-DADD3A2ECB49-1218-0000007FCF9E349B
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Nov 26 13:54 App_070BFBA2-26D0-448F-9123-DADD3A2ECB49-1218-0000007FCF9E349B.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:28 App_0977FD4D-5953-4F70-BE63-FD750A3BF6DC-1231-0000005027783E91
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Jan 11 12:44 App_0977FD4D-5953-4F70-BE63-FD750A3BF6DC-1231-0000005027783E91.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:28 App_0A03682C-6DB4-4908-B386-A6BB644D3C74-1276-0000005B2AD5C511
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Jan 17 11:10 App_0A03682C-6DB4-4908-B386-A6BB644D3C74-1276-0000005B2AD5C511.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:28 App_0A8D9DBD-BAA7-444B-9E85-87972AF665EF-1216-0000005A3907D09A
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Dec 23 15:53 App_0A8D9DBD-BAA7-444B-9E85-87972AF665EF-1216-0000005A3907D09A.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 3 jonathanfilbert wheel 96 Dec 9 19:22 App_0ABFFC9E-731F-46BD-B117-17A76FBCA084-1236-0000004ED1B99385
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Dec 9 19:22 App_0ABFFC9E-731F-46BD-B117-17A76FBCA084-1236-0000004ED1B99385.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Mar 23 16:59 App_0C6FC480-EF97-4009-BF39-96F58799E7ED-1192-0000005E9FC8FC9F
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Dec 12 21:02 App_0C6FC480-EF97-4009-BF39-96F58799E7ED-1192-0000005E9FC8FC9F.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 3 jonathanfilbert wheel 96 Dec 15 00:01 App_0DAD0990-45B0-4F11-A37A-DC9F8784C3C9-1185-000000610AEAD23D
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Dec 15 00:01 App_0DAD0990-45B0-4F11-A37A-DC9F8784C3C9-1185-000000610AEAD23D.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 3 jonathanfilbert wheel 96 Nov 30 21:13 App_0F3DAB99-B214-4DBF-BBE4-A51C779F6987-1153-0000006B23FCBCB3
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Nov 30 21:13 App_0F3DAB99-B214-4DBF-BBE4-A51C779F6987-1153-0000006B23FCBCB3.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 3 jonathanfilbert wheel 96 Dec 5 08:53 App_126A36AB-A0C5-4D4C-A23A-113EA6E7C970-1806-0000009535B1B6CB
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Dec 5 08:53 App_126A36AB-A0C5-4D4C-A23A-113EA6E7C970-1806-0000009535B1B6CB.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 21 15:40 App_12E3E8A1-9788-4ABF-915A-F199A0C6143C-1221-000000541C12C17A
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Dec 16 14:36 App_12E3E8A1-9788-4ABF-915A-F199A0C6143C-1221-000000541C12C17A.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:28 App_12EBEA64-5051-4122-89DF-9FB8DADAA41B-1275-00000063D967AF8B
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Jan 11 23:07 App_12EBEA64-5051-4122-89DF-9FB8DADAA41B-1275-00000063D967AF8B.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 3 jonathanfilbert wheel 96 Nov 19 15:51 App_149EDAB5-6A58-40F6-9FC8-B3E4F3279538-1218-0000006CC5FF38F4
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Nov 19 15:51 App_149EDAB5-6A58-40F6-9FC8-B3E4F3279538-1218-0000006CC5FF38F4.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:28 App_16277D4A-ACA9-4730-8929-892500D29B19-1132-000000503FDB731F
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Dec 31 14:57 App_16277D4A-ACA9-4730-8929-892500D29B19-1132-000000503FDB731F.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 3 jonathanfilbert wheel 96 Nov 8 20:18 App_16A18583-FD97-4644-BF06-137B0FFD35E1-1204-0000006A2372C7CA
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Nov 8 20:18 App_16A18583-FD97-4644-BF06-137B0FFD35E1-1204-0000006A2372C7CA.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:28 App_175B9F9E-2372-4165-AA2B-F0123E12ABEB-1895-00000095CD045C8F
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Jan 17 19:50 App_175B9F9E-2372-4165-AA2B-F0123E12ABEB-1895-00000095CD045C8F.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:28 App_17D25F31-21C7-4C55-97B4-278F3EF29F8B-1295-0000004E3FCB237E
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Dec 25 00:10 App_17D25F31-21C7-4C55-97B4-278F3EF29F8B-1295-0000004E3FCB237E.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 3 jonathanfilbert wheel 96 Nov 21 18:27 App_18987876-EDA5-44F8-839D-9D0ED9E85C10-1225-00000058DFD63585
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Nov 21 18:27 App_18987876-EDA5-44F8-839D-9D0ED9E85C10-1225-00000058DFD63585.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 3 jonathanfilbert wheel 96 Dec 5 19:01 App_18CFA5BA-85C7-4EC0-930C-73A0847EA055-1197-00000056895B3D96
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Dec 5 19:01 App_18CFA5BA-85C7-4EC0-930C-73A0847EA055-1197-00000056895B3D96.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:28 App_18E54EEA-52A5-4EE5-BC99-1D112C18A214-1352-00000051E2111EC0
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Jan 7 15:44 App_18E54EEA-52A5-4EE5-BC99-1D112C18A214-1352-00000051E2111EC0.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:29 App_1AB67930-C1CE-46E9-AB02-B6E24E0385B7-1223-00000051EB8F1D18
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Feb 2 18:25 App_1AB67930-C1CE-46E9-AB02-B6E24E0385B7-1223-00000051EB8F1D18.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:28 App_1AC8F899-D2AA-4AB9-9BF1-35BE98ED1EDE-16157-000006E2D274F110
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Dec 21 19:17 App_1AC8F899-D2AA-4AB9-9BF1-35BE98ED1EDE-16157-000006E2D274F110.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:28 App_1F263B6A-077E-482C-94FF-3C3D6892F2B9-1324-0000005F3A9C6E56
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Jan 26 12:39 App_1F263B6A-077E-482C-94FF-3C3D6892F2B9-1324-0000005F3A9C6E56.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 3 jonathanfilbert wheel 96 Dec 5 19:34 App_221EA77C-0E38-421F-9BF6-D5465E75EE63-2756-000000D9B2A9FFF6
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Dec 5 19:34 App_221EA77C-0E38-421F-9BF6-D5465E75EE63-2756-000000D9B2A9FFF6.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Mar 23 16:59 App_22BBCFA5-1384-4B28-9688-C5463795FD48-1143-0000006521EDAAE0
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Dec 17 23:39 App_22BBCFA5-1384-4B28-9688-C5463795FD48-1143-0000006521EDAAE0.tar.gz

Here is the ls -l results for some of the directories

-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 244928 Jan 13 20:41 a_0058AB63-F619-42E5-BBA5-86532551CFA3-1193-00000054FCB20168
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Dec 23 15:51 a_0153215B-DE1E-47B0-B4DF-961804DB2CB2-1216-00000057AE7086FB
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Dec 17 13:00 a_01BDBE1A-5EDC-413E-BE41-33A611EF871F-1134-000000754A4E692A
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Jan 2 11:33 a_01F076CE-B02D-4C1F-8058-A4A832333CE7-1291-0000004D445928B5
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Dec 19 14:09 a_02B73853-967A-4723-98BA-D81553A2D7FE-1189-0000004EACDB9D9C
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Nov 11 15:30 a_036B3671-AF44-4439-9BA5-1B31232B6CE1-1243-0000004FA1CF7311
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Nov 17 19:08 a_06AEA1F5-2958-4AAB-A9FE-741837F4FCA9-1206-0000004E458C7071
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Dec 1 23:56 a_0880EF4F-ADF4-4DF5-A0F7-C5689828D5DC-9985-0000041F7999B6FA
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 244928 Jan 16 18:15 a_0898EB66-62FE-4D6A-8D60-E4EC2A2489E4-1178-000000541561A81E
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Dec 8 17:32 a_0ABD7D94-04C0-40FC-A637-01DB09630972-1233-0000004D07EB2930
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Dec 5 12:22 a_0D32C0E7-A993-47B1-A7C6-4D41C2B691E1-1160-0000005194510DAA
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 183456 Dec 25 00:10 a_0D3F7A43-9BB0-4D09-9811-6953AD28AE4D-1295-00000051353554A9
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 244928 Jan 29 21:33 a_0D5D220A-C3C0-49B7-A64B-49C64E3DD865-6976-000000680ED5309B
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Nov 10 23:11 a_1288DB46-490B-49D4-840F-3E725AF6F4AE-1243-0000006C70925320
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 244928 Jan 11 23:08 a_132D252F-B372-468B-A748-D084AEE5E355-1275-0000006BA6ED0EBA
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 244928 Jan 17 19:50 a_141E730D-6CE1-470B-86B9-8CABEF1F4A4C-1895-0000009B37EC280A
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Nov 25 23:53 a_1817CEF5-03C3-4968-8CA9-03F5D24540BF-1330-0000006C576DC205

My question is, aside from the 6 recognized folders, is it safe to delete those things? As they take up quite a lot of space, and recently, I found a malicious file named SystemExtr residing inside one of the folders, and deleted it, but somehow it returned.

share|improve this question

  • 3

    Please don't post screenshots of Terminal output, copy/paste the text instead and apply code formatting (the in the editor menu). While editing, can you please replace the Finder screenshot with the result of ls -l /Users/Shared (not all lines, just 10-20 so we can see the full names, the dates, the permissions etc).

    – nohillside

  • Hey @nohillside thanks for the reply, I've edited the question and replaced the images with code formatted Terminal output. Thanks!

    – Jonathan Filbert

  • Each executable has an associated directory - can you post the ls -l results from one or more of those, please?

    – Pete Cooper

  • Hey @PeteCooper I've modified the question and included what you asked. Thanks in advance!

    – Jonathan Filbert

  • Can you run file on some of these files? Having said that I'm quite sure that you can just delete the whole mess, at least that's what I would do. But this doesn't solve the underlying problem of whether your Mac has some malware of course.

    – nohillside




Recently I've noticed that a lot of mysterious .tar.gz and executable files have spawned inside my Shared folder, and by a lot I mean 466 total.

/Users/Shared $ ls | wc -l

I'm the only user on my Macbook Pro and out of the 466, I only recognized 6 of them being folders with an installed application name (CleanMyMac, Renewed Vision Media, etc) so those are not the problem. As for the rest, they look horrific:

 ls -l /Users/Shared
total 824456
drwxrwxr-x 5 root wheel 160 Feb 12 14:38 Adobe
drwxrwxrwx 2 root wheel 64 Aug 10 2018 AdobeInstalledCodecs
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 12 10:02 App_01D422FE-C147-4010-9A44-D4358E33D212-1210-0000006734D5E80A
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Dec 17 10:32 App_01D422FE-C147-4010-9A44-D4358E33D212-1210-0000006734D5E80A.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:28 App_02966A96-E2BC-48F1-A082-387BFD2559A6-1246-0000005E71CF0D2B
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Jan 31 20:29 App_02966A96-E2BC-48F1-A082-387BFD2559A6-1246-0000005E71CF0D2B.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 3 jonathanfilbert wheel 96 Dec 2 00:44 App_041C25CA-E276-4BBD-87FF-1AAF42FB62CF-1199-0000004DE163A3E6
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Dec 2 00:44 App_041C25CA-E276-4BBD-87FF-1AAF42FB62CF-1199-0000004DE163A3E6.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:29 App_05BDF17A-375B-45DA-B054-D77F0BBA7061-1166-000000502FEEE31D
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Dec 28 16:51 App_05BDF17A-375B-45DA-B054-D77F0BBA7061-1166-000000502FEEE31D.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 3 jonathanfilbert wheel 96 Nov 26 13:54 App_070BFBA2-26D0-448F-9123-DADD3A2ECB49-1218-0000007FCF9E349B
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Nov 26 13:54 App_070BFBA2-26D0-448F-9123-DADD3A2ECB49-1218-0000007FCF9E349B.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:28 App_0977FD4D-5953-4F70-BE63-FD750A3BF6DC-1231-0000005027783E91
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Jan 11 12:44 App_0977FD4D-5953-4F70-BE63-FD750A3BF6DC-1231-0000005027783E91.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:28 App_0A03682C-6DB4-4908-B386-A6BB644D3C74-1276-0000005B2AD5C511
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Jan 17 11:10 App_0A03682C-6DB4-4908-B386-A6BB644D3C74-1276-0000005B2AD5C511.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:28 App_0A8D9DBD-BAA7-444B-9E85-87972AF665EF-1216-0000005A3907D09A
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Dec 23 15:53 App_0A8D9DBD-BAA7-444B-9E85-87972AF665EF-1216-0000005A3907D09A.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 3 jonathanfilbert wheel 96 Dec 9 19:22 App_0ABFFC9E-731F-46BD-B117-17A76FBCA084-1236-0000004ED1B99385
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Dec 9 19:22 App_0ABFFC9E-731F-46BD-B117-17A76FBCA084-1236-0000004ED1B99385.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Mar 23 16:59 App_0C6FC480-EF97-4009-BF39-96F58799E7ED-1192-0000005E9FC8FC9F
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Dec 12 21:02 App_0C6FC480-EF97-4009-BF39-96F58799E7ED-1192-0000005E9FC8FC9F.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 3 jonathanfilbert wheel 96 Dec 15 00:01 App_0DAD0990-45B0-4F11-A37A-DC9F8784C3C9-1185-000000610AEAD23D
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Dec 15 00:01 App_0DAD0990-45B0-4F11-A37A-DC9F8784C3C9-1185-000000610AEAD23D.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 3 jonathanfilbert wheel 96 Nov 30 21:13 App_0F3DAB99-B214-4DBF-BBE4-A51C779F6987-1153-0000006B23FCBCB3
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Nov 30 21:13 App_0F3DAB99-B214-4DBF-BBE4-A51C779F6987-1153-0000006B23FCBCB3.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 3 jonathanfilbert wheel 96 Dec 5 08:53 App_126A36AB-A0C5-4D4C-A23A-113EA6E7C970-1806-0000009535B1B6CB
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Dec 5 08:53 App_126A36AB-A0C5-4D4C-A23A-113EA6E7C970-1806-0000009535B1B6CB.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 21 15:40 App_12E3E8A1-9788-4ABF-915A-F199A0C6143C-1221-000000541C12C17A
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Dec 16 14:36 App_12E3E8A1-9788-4ABF-915A-F199A0C6143C-1221-000000541C12C17A.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:28 App_12EBEA64-5051-4122-89DF-9FB8DADAA41B-1275-00000063D967AF8B
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Jan 11 23:07 App_12EBEA64-5051-4122-89DF-9FB8DADAA41B-1275-00000063D967AF8B.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 3 jonathanfilbert wheel 96 Nov 19 15:51 App_149EDAB5-6A58-40F6-9FC8-B3E4F3279538-1218-0000006CC5FF38F4
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Nov 19 15:51 App_149EDAB5-6A58-40F6-9FC8-B3E4F3279538-1218-0000006CC5FF38F4.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:28 App_16277D4A-ACA9-4730-8929-892500D29B19-1132-000000503FDB731F
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Dec 31 14:57 App_16277D4A-ACA9-4730-8929-892500D29B19-1132-000000503FDB731F.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 3 jonathanfilbert wheel 96 Nov 8 20:18 App_16A18583-FD97-4644-BF06-137B0FFD35E1-1204-0000006A2372C7CA
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Nov 8 20:18 App_16A18583-FD97-4644-BF06-137B0FFD35E1-1204-0000006A2372C7CA.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:28 App_175B9F9E-2372-4165-AA2B-F0123E12ABEB-1895-00000095CD045C8F
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Jan 17 19:50 App_175B9F9E-2372-4165-AA2B-F0123E12ABEB-1895-00000095CD045C8F.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:28 App_17D25F31-21C7-4C55-97B4-278F3EF29F8B-1295-0000004E3FCB237E
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Dec 25 00:10 App_17D25F31-21C7-4C55-97B4-278F3EF29F8B-1295-0000004E3FCB237E.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 3 jonathanfilbert wheel 96 Nov 21 18:27 App_18987876-EDA5-44F8-839D-9D0ED9E85C10-1225-00000058DFD63585
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Nov 21 18:27 App_18987876-EDA5-44F8-839D-9D0ED9E85C10-1225-00000058DFD63585.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 3 jonathanfilbert wheel 96 Dec 5 19:01 App_18CFA5BA-85C7-4EC0-930C-73A0847EA055-1197-00000056895B3D96
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Dec 5 19:01 App_18CFA5BA-85C7-4EC0-930C-73A0847EA055-1197-00000056895B3D96.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:28 App_18E54EEA-52A5-4EE5-BC99-1D112C18A214-1352-00000051E2111EC0
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Jan 7 15:44 App_18E54EEA-52A5-4EE5-BC99-1D112C18A214-1352-00000051E2111EC0.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:29 App_1AB67930-C1CE-46E9-AB02-B6E24E0385B7-1223-00000051EB8F1D18
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Feb 2 18:25 App_1AB67930-C1CE-46E9-AB02-B6E24E0385B7-1223-00000051EB8F1D18.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:28 App_1AC8F899-D2AA-4AB9-9BF1-35BE98ED1EDE-16157-000006E2D274F110
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Dec 21 19:17 App_1AC8F899-D2AA-4AB9-9BF1-35BE98ED1EDE-16157-000006E2D274F110.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:28 App_1F263B6A-077E-482C-94FF-3C3D6892F2B9-1324-0000005F3A9C6E56
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Jan 26 12:39 App_1F263B6A-077E-482C-94FF-3C3D6892F2B9-1324-0000005F3A9C6E56.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 3 jonathanfilbert wheel 96 Dec 5 19:34 App_221EA77C-0E38-421F-9BF6-D5465E75EE63-2756-000000D9B2A9FFF6
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Dec 5 19:34 App_221EA77C-0E38-421F-9BF6-D5465E75EE63-2756-000000D9B2A9FFF6.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Mar 23 16:59 App_22BBCFA5-1384-4B28-9688-C5463795FD48-1143-0000006521EDAAE0
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Dec 17 23:39 App_22BBCFA5-1384-4B28-9688-C5463795FD48-1143-0000006521EDAAE0.tar.gz

Here is the ls -l results for some of the directories

-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 244928 Jan 13 20:41 a_0058AB63-F619-42E5-BBA5-86532551CFA3-1193-00000054FCB20168
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Dec 23 15:51 a_0153215B-DE1E-47B0-B4DF-961804DB2CB2-1216-00000057AE7086FB
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Dec 17 13:00 a_01BDBE1A-5EDC-413E-BE41-33A611EF871F-1134-000000754A4E692A
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Jan 2 11:33 a_01F076CE-B02D-4C1F-8058-A4A832333CE7-1291-0000004D445928B5
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Dec 19 14:09 a_02B73853-967A-4723-98BA-D81553A2D7FE-1189-0000004EACDB9D9C
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Nov 11 15:30 a_036B3671-AF44-4439-9BA5-1B31232B6CE1-1243-0000004FA1CF7311
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Nov 17 19:08 a_06AEA1F5-2958-4AAB-A9FE-741837F4FCA9-1206-0000004E458C7071
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Dec 1 23:56 a_0880EF4F-ADF4-4DF5-A0F7-C5689828D5DC-9985-0000041F7999B6FA
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 244928 Jan 16 18:15 a_0898EB66-62FE-4D6A-8D60-E4EC2A2489E4-1178-000000541561A81E
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Dec 8 17:32 a_0ABD7D94-04C0-40FC-A637-01DB09630972-1233-0000004D07EB2930
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Dec 5 12:22 a_0D32C0E7-A993-47B1-A7C6-4D41C2B691E1-1160-0000005194510DAA
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 183456 Dec 25 00:10 a_0D3F7A43-9BB0-4D09-9811-6953AD28AE4D-1295-00000051353554A9
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 244928 Jan 29 21:33 a_0D5D220A-C3C0-49B7-A64B-49C64E3DD865-6976-000000680ED5309B
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Nov 10 23:11 a_1288DB46-490B-49D4-840F-3E725AF6F4AE-1243-0000006C70925320
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 244928 Jan 11 23:08 a_132D252F-B372-468B-A748-D084AEE5E355-1275-0000006BA6ED0EBA
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 244928 Jan 17 19:50 a_141E730D-6CE1-470B-86B9-8CABEF1F4A4C-1895-0000009B37EC280A
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Nov 25 23:53 a_1817CEF5-03C3-4968-8CA9-03F5D24540BF-1330-0000006C576DC205

My question is, aside from the 6 recognized folders, is it safe to delete those things? As they take up quite a lot of space, and recently, I found a malicious file named SystemExtr residing inside one of the folders, and deleted it, but somehow it returned.

share|improve this question

Recently I've noticed that a lot of mysterious .tar.gz and executable files have spawned inside my Shared folder, and by a lot I mean 466 total.

/Users/Shared $ ls | wc -l

I'm the only user on my Macbook Pro and out of the 466, I only recognized 6 of them being folders with an installed application name (CleanMyMac, Renewed Vision Media, etc) so those are not the problem. As for the rest, they look horrific:

 ls -l /Users/Shared
total 824456
drwxrwxr-x 5 root wheel 160 Feb 12 14:38 Adobe
drwxrwxrwx 2 root wheel 64 Aug 10 2018 AdobeInstalledCodecs
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 12 10:02 App_01D422FE-C147-4010-9A44-D4358E33D212-1210-0000006734D5E80A
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Dec 17 10:32 App_01D422FE-C147-4010-9A44-D4358E33D212-1210-0000006734D5E80A.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:28 App_02966A96-E2BC-48F1-A082-387BFD2559A6-1246-0000005E71CF0D2B
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 4660684 Jan 31 20:29 App_02966A96-E2BC-48F1-A082-387BFD2559A6-1246-0000005E71CF0D2B.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 3 jonathanfilbert wheel 96 Dec 2 00:44 App_041C25CA-E276-4BBD-87FF-1AAF42FB62CF-1199-0000004DE163A3E6
-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Dec 2 00:44 App_041C25CA-E276-4BBD-87FF-1AAF42FB62CF-1199-0000004DE163A3E6.tar.gz
drwxr-xr-x 2 jonathanfilbert wheel 64 Feb 6 15:29 App_05BDF17A-375B-45DA-B054-D77F0BBA7061-1166-000000502FEEE31D
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-rw-r--r-- 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 331578 Dec 17 23:39 App_22BBCFA5-1384-4B28-9688-C5463795FD48-1143-0000006521EDAAE0.tar.gz

Here is the ls -l results for some of the directories

-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 244928 Jan 13 20:41 a_0058AB63-F619-42E5-BBA5-86532551CFA3-1193-00000054FCB20168
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Dec 23 15:51 a_0153215B-DE1E-47B0-B4DF-961804DB2CB2-1216-00000057AE7086FB
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Dec 17 13:00 a_01BDBE1A-5EDC-413E-BE41-33A611EF871F-1134-000000754A4E692A
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Jan 2 11:33 a_01F076CE-B02D-4C1F-8058-A4A832333CE7-1291-0000004D445928B5
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Dec 19 14:09 a_02B73853-967A-4723-98BA-D81553A2D7FE-1189-0000004EACDB9D9C
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Nov 11 15:30 a_036B3671-AF44-4439-9BA5-1B31232B6CE1-1243-0000004FA1CF7311
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Nov 17 19:08 a_06AEA1F5-2958-4AAB-A9FE-741837F4FCA9-1206-0000004E458C7071
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Dec 1 23:56 a_0880EF4F-ADF4-4DF5-A0F7-C5689828D5DC-9985-0000041F7999B6FA
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 244928 Jan 16 18:15 a_0898EB66-62FE-4D6A-8D60-E4EC2A2489E4-1178-000000541561A81E
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Dec 8 17:32 a_0ABD7D94-04C0-40FC-A637-01DB09630972-1233-0000004D07EB2930
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Dec 5 12:22 a_0D32C0E7-A993-47B1-A7C6-4D41C2B691E1-1160-0000005194510DAA
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 183456 Dec 25 00:10 a_0D3F7A43-9BB0-4D09-9811-6953AD28AE4D-1295-00000051353554A9
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 244928 Jan 29 21:33 a_0D5D220A-C3C0-49B7-A64B-49C64E3DD865-6976-000000680ED5309B
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Nov 10 23:11 a_1288DB46-490B-49D4-840F-3E725AF6F4AE-1243-0000006C70925320
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 244928 Jan 11 23:08 a_132D252F-B372-468B-A748-D084AEE5E355-1275-0000006BA6ED0EBA
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 244928 Jan 17 19:50 a_141E730D-6CE1-470B-86B9-8CABEF1F4A4C-1895-0000009B37EC280A
-rwxrwxrwx 1 jonathanfilbert wheel 210848 Nov 25 23:53 a_1817CEF5-03C3-4968-8CA9-03F5D24540BF-1330-0000006C576DC205

My question is, aside from the 6 recognized folders, is it safe to delete those things? As they take up quite a lot of space, and recently, I found a malicious file named SystemExtr residing inside one of the folders, and deleted it, but somehow it returned.

macos finder disk-space virus

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edited yesterday

Jonathan Filbert

asked yesterday

Jonathan FilbertJonathan Filbert



  • 3

    Please don't post screenshots of Terminal output, copy/paste the text instead and apply code formatting (the in the editor menu). While editing, can you please replace the Finder screenshot with the result of ls -l /Users/Shared (not all lines, just 10-20 so we can see the full names, the dates, the permissions etc).

    – nohillside

  • Hey @nohillside thanks for the reply, I've edited the question and replaced the images with code formatted Terminal output. Thanks!

    – Jonathan Filbert

  • Each executable has an associated directory - can you post the ls -l results from one or more of those, please?

    – Pete Cooper

  • Hey @PeteCooper I've modified the question and included what you asked. Thanks in advance!

    – Jonathan Filbert

  • Can you run file on some of these files? Having said that I'm quite sure that you can just delete the whole mess, at least that's what I would do. But this doesn't solve the underlying problem of whether your Mac has some malware of course.

    – nohillside

  • 3

    Please don't post screenshots of Terminal output, copy/paste the text instead and apply code formatting (the in the editor menu). While editing, can you please replace the Finder screenshot with the result of ls -l /Users/Shared (not all lines, just 10-20 so we can see the full names, the dates, the permissions etc).

    – nohillside

  • Hey @nohillside thanks for the reply, I've edited the question and replaced the images with code formatted Terminal output. Thanks!

    – Jonathan Filbert

  • Each executable has an associated directory - can you post the ls -l results from one or more of those, please?

    – Pete Cooper

  • Hey @PeteCooper I've modified the question and included what you asked. Thanks in advance!

    – Jonathan Filbert

  • Can you run file on some of these files? Having said that I'm quite sure that you can just delete the whole mess, at least that's what I would do. But this doesn't solve the underlying problem of whether your Mac has some malware of course.

    – nohillside



Please don't post screenshots of Terminal output, copy/paste the text instead and apply code formatting (the in the editor menu). While editing, can you please replace the Finder screenshot with the result of ls -l /Users/Shared (not all lines, just 10-20 so we can see the full names, the dates, the permissions etc).

– nohillside

Please don't post screenshots of Terminal output, copy/paste the text instead and apply code formatting (the in the editor menu). While editing, can you please replace the Finder screenshot with the result of ls -l /Users/Shared (not all lines, just 10-20 so we can see the full names, the dates, the permissions etc).

– nohillside

Hey @nohillside thanks for the reply, I've edited the question and replaced the images with code formatted Terminal output. Thanks!

– Jonathan Filbert

Hey @nohillside thanks for the reply, I've edited the question and replaced the images with code formatted Terminal output. Thanks!

– Jonathan Filbert

Each executable has an associated directory - can you post the ls -l results from one or more of those, please?

– Pete Cooper

Each executable has an associated directory - can you post the ls -l results from one or more of those, please?

– Pete Cooper

Hey @PeteCooper I've modified the question and included what you asked. Thanks in advance!

– Jonathan Filbert

Hey @PeteCooper I've modified the question and included what you asked. Thanks in advance!

– Jonathan Filbert

Can you run file on some of these files? Having said that I'm quite sure that you can just delete the whole mess, at least that's what I would do. But this doesn't solve the underlying problem of whether your Mac has some malware of course.

– nohillside

Can you run file on some of these files? Having said that I'm quite sure that you can just delete the whole mess, at least that's what I would do. But this doesn't solve the underlying problem of whether your Mac has some malware of course.

– nohillside

1 Answer





Note: this doesn't answer your question directly but is advice and some further steps to troubleshoot.

If your computer has been reported as being affected my malware, you are likely better off long-term to back up your personal data (i.e user directory etc), note the apps you have installed, and start over with a nuke & repave. A few hours spent doing this is better than rescuing a system with unquantified levels of malware -- it could be just 'SystemExtr' or it could be a whole heap of other things -- and the nature of some malware means it can't be 100% removed.

In the meantime:

  • use a reputable macOS malware scanner like Malwarebytes or Sophos to see if they pick anything up;

  • upload one of the executables to VirusTotal to see if it find anything;

And for ongoing homework: learn a bit about hard drive space management and reduce reliance on the whizzy apps (especially the free ones) that do all this for you. Some are reputable, some are junk. Using a disk viewer like Grand Perspective will give you better visibility into what's going on inside your hard drive, and give you more control overall.

share|improve this answer

  • Thanks for the advice!

    – Jonathan Filbert

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1 Answer




1 Answer











Note: this doesn't answer your question directly but is advice and some further steps to troubleshoot.

If your computer has been reported as being affected my malware, you are likely better off long-term to back up your personal data (i.e user directory etc), note the apps you have installed, and start over with a nuke & repave. A few hours spent doing this is better than rescuing a system with unquantified levels of malware -- it could be just 'SystemExtr' or it could be a whole heap of other things -- and the nature of some malware means it can't be 100% removed.

In the meantime:

  • use a reputable macOS malware scanner like Malwarebytes or Sophos to see if they pick anything up;

  • upload one of the executables to VirusTotal to see if it find anything;

And for ongoing homework: learn a bit about hard drive space management and reduce reliance on the whizzy apps (especially the free ones) that do all this for you. Some are reputable, some are junk. Using a disk viewer like Grand Perspective will give you better visibility into what's going on inside your hard drive, and give you more control overall.

share|improve this answer

  • Thanks for the advice!

    – Jonathan Filbert


Note: this doesn't answer your question directly but is advice and some further steps to troubleshoot.

If your computer has been reported as being affected my malware, you are likely better off long-term to back up your personal data (i.e user directory etc), note the apps you have installed, and start over with a nuke & repave. A few hours spent doing this is better than rescuing a system with unquantified levels of malware -- it could be just 'SystemExtr' or it could be a whole heap of other things -- and the nature of some malware means it can't be 100% removed.

In the meantime:

  • use a reputable macOS malware scanner like Malwarebytes or Sophos to see if they pick anything up;

  • upload one of the executables to VirusTotal to see if it find anything;

And for ongoing homework: learn a bit about hard drive space management and reduce reliance on the whizzy apps (especially the free ones) that do all this for you. Some are reputable, some are junk. Using a disk viewer like Grand Perspective will give you better visibility into what's going on inside your hard drive, and give you more control overall.

share|improve this answer

  • Thanks for the advice!

    – Jonathan Filbert




Note: this doesn't answer your question directly but is advice and some further steps to troubleshoot.

If your computer has been reported as being affected my malware, you are likely better off long-term to back up your personal data (i.e user directory etc), note the apps you have installed, and start over with a nuke & repave. A few hours spent doing this is better than rescuing a system with unquantified levels of malware -- it could be just 'SystemExtr' or it could be a whole heap of other things -- and the nature of some malware means it can't be 100% removed.

In the meantime:

  • use a reputable macOS malware scanner like Malwarebytes or Sophos to see if they pick anything up;

  • upload one of the executables to VirusTotal to see if it find anything;

And for ongoing homework: learn a bit about hard drive space management and reduce reliance on the whizzy apps (especially the free ones) that do all this for you. Some are reputable, some are junk. Using a disk viewer like Grand Perspective will give you better visibility into what's going on inside your hard drive, and give you more control overall.

share|improve this answer

Note: this doesn't answer your question directly but is advice and some further steps to troubleshoot.

If your computer has been reported as being affected my malware, you are likely better off long-term to back up your personal data (i.e user directory etc), note the apps you have installed, and start over with a nuke & repave. A few hours spent doing this is better than rescuing a system with unquantified levels of malware -- it could be just 'SystemExtr' or it could be a whole heap of other things -- and the nature of some malware means it can't be 100% removed.

In the meantime:

  • use a reputable macOS malware scanner like Malwarebytes or Sophos to see if they pick anything up;

  • upload one of the executables to VirusTotal to see if it find anything;

And for ongoing homework: learn a bit about hard drive space management and reduce reliance on the whizzy apps (especially the free ones) that do all this for you. Some are reputable, some are junk. Using a disk viewer like Grand Perspective will give you better visibility into what's going on inside your hard drive, and give you more control overall.

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

share|improve this answer

answered yesterday

Pete CooperPete Cooper



  • Thanks for the advice!

    – Jonathan Filbert

  • Thanks for the advice!

    – Jonathan Filbert

Thanks for the advice!

– Jonathan Filbert

Thanks for the advice!

– Jonathan Filbert

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