Biennale Venesia Daftar isi Bacaan tambahan | Pranala luar | Bacaan tambahan | Pranala luar | Menu navigasiVenice BiennaleSitus web resmiHistory of the Venice Biennale's International Art ExhibitionOfficial Central Asia Pavilion websiteOfficial Dutch Pavilion websiteSatellite image of the Biennale buildings from Google MapsArtefactaArtupdate Venice Biennale Guide 2015www.biennale-venezia.chsVenice BiennaleSitus web resmiHistory of the Venice Biennale's International Art ExhibitionOfficial Central Asia Pavilion websiteOfficial Dutch Pavilion websiteSatellite image of the Biennale buildings from Google MapsArtefactaArtupdate Venice Biennale Guide 2015www.biennale-venezia.chs
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Biennale Venesia
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Biennale Venesia (/ˌbiːɛˈnɑːleɪ, -li/; bahasa Italia: La Biennale di Venezia [la bi.enˈnaːle di veˈnɛttsja]; dalam bahasa Inggris juga disebut "Venice Biennial") adalah sebuah organisasi seni rupa yang berbasis di Venesia, dan juga pameran asli dan utama yang mereka selenggarakan. Organisasi tersebut mengubah namanya menjadi Yayasan Biennale pada 2009, sementara pamerannya juga disebut Biennale Seni Rupa untuk membedakannya dari organisasi dan pameran lainnya yang mereka selenggarakan.
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3 Bacaan tambahan
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Bacaan tambahan |
- Sophie Bowness and Clive Phillpot (ed), Britain at the Venice Biennale 1895–1996, The British Council, 1995
- Martino, Enzo Di. The History of the Venice Biennale, Venezia, Papiro Arte, 2007.
- Sarah Thornton. Seven Days in the Art World. New York: WW Norton, 2008.
Digitalarti Mag (2009). Venice Biennale (PDF). hlm. 8–12.
52nd Venice Biennale and Documenta 12 in Kassel vol.20 July 2007 n.paradoxa: international feminist art journal pp. 88–92- Vittorio Sgarbi, Lo Stato dell'Arte: 54 Esposizione internazionale d'Arte della Biennale di Venezia. Iniziativa speciale per il 150° Anniversario dell'Unità d'Italia, Moncalieri (Torino), Istituto Nazionale di Cultura, 2012
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![]() | Wikimedia Commons memiliki media mengenai Biennale Venesia. |
Situs web resmi(Inggris)
History of the Venice Biennale's International Art Exhibition at Venice Biennale official website.
- Official Central Asia Pavilion website
- Official Dutch Pavilion website History of the British Council's involvement with the British Pavilion at the Venice Biennale.- Satellite image of the Biennale buildings from Google Maps
Artefacta about 52nd Venice Biennale.
Artupdate Venice Biennale Guide 2015 Map showing exhibition locations and listings. General overview of all official Swiss contributions to the Venice Biennale since 1920.
Bacaan tambahan |
- Sophie Bowness and Clive Phillpot (ed), Britain at the Venice Biennale 1895–1996, The British Council, 1995
- Martino, Enzo Di. The History of the Venice Biennale, Venezia, Papiro Arte, 2007.
- Sarah Thornton. Seven Days in the Art World. New York: WW Norton, 2008.
Digitalarti Mag (2009). Venice Biennale (PDF). hlm. 8–12.
52nd Venice Biennale and Documenta 12 in Kassel vol.20 July 2007 n.paradoxa: international feminist art journal pp. 88–92- Vittorio Sgarbi, Lo Stato dell'Arte: 54 Esposizione internazionale d'Arte della Biennale di Venezia. Iniziativa speciale per il 150° Anniversario dell'Unità d'Italia, Moncalieri (Torino), Istituto Nazionale di Cultura, 2012
Pranala luar |
![]() | Wikimedia Commons memiliki media mengenai Biennale Venesia. |
Situs web resmi(Inggris)
History of the Venice Biennale's International Art Exhibition at Venice Biennale official website.
- Official Central Asia Pavilion website
- Official Dutch Pavilion website History of the British Council's involvement with the British Pavilion at the Venice Biennale.- Satellite image of the Biennale buildings from Google Maps
Artefacta about 52nd Venice Biennale.
Artupdate Venice Biennale Guide 2015 Map showing exhibition locations and listings. General overview of all official Swiss contributions to the Venice Biennale since 1920.
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