Magento 2: Cannot load my library using composer Planned maintenance scheduled April 17/18, 2019 at 00:00UTC (8:00pm US/Eastern) Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara Unicorn Meta Zoo #1: Why another podcast?sample data not loading in 0.74.0-beta10main.CRITICAL: Plugin class doesn't existHow to use a library using composer in a Magento 2 moduleMagento 2: Plugin class does not existMagento 2 : how to LIbrary import using composerPHP fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 2 passed to MagentoCatalogPluginBlockTopmenuMagento 2 load component composer dependenciesMagento 2.3 Can't view module's front end page output?Magento 2.3.0 - The store that was requested wasn't foundError Database Magento 2.3 migration from localhost to server

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Magento 2: Cannot load my library using composer

Planned maintenance scheduled April 17/18, 2019 at 00:00UTC (8:00pm US/Eastern)
Announcing the arrival of Valued Associate #679: Cesar Manara
Unicorn Meta Zoo #1: Why another podcast?sample data not loading in 0.74.0-beta10main.CRITICAL: Plugin class doesn't existHow to use a library using composer in a Magento 2 moduleMagento 2: Plugin class does not existMagento 2 : how to LIbrary import using composerPHP fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: Argument 2 passed to MagentoCatalogPluginBlockTopmenuMagento 2 load component composer dependenciesMagento 2.3 Can't view module's front end page output?Magento 2.3.0 - The store that was requested wasn't foundError Database Magento 2.3 migration from localhost to server

.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__bot-mid-leaderboard:empty margin-bottom:0;


Sorry for the lengthy message. I just wanted to provide as much information as possible. I am writing a new module. I have a custom library that I need to load to use in my module. I have the library classes in vendor/easyask/easyask_search/lib/EasyAsk/Impl. The module is in app/code/EasyAsk/Search.

When I try to invoke EasyAskImplRemoteFactory, I get a class does not exist error. I know the lib files are not autoloaded as I don't see them referenced in vendor/composer/autoload_namespaces.php file.

Can somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Here is the composer.json in my module

"name": "easyask/module-search",
"description": "A better search module from EasyAsk",
"php": "~5.5.0,
"type": "magento2-module",
"version": "1.0.0-beta",
"license": [
"map": [

Here is the composer.json from vendor/easyask/easyask_search directory

"name": "easyask/easyask_search",
"type": "magento2-library",
"description": "EasyAsk Search PHP Client Library",
"license": "N/A",
"authors": [

"name": "EasyAsk",
"homepage": ""

"php": ">=5.2.1",
"ext-curl": "*",
"ext-dom": "*",
"ext-hash": "*",
"ext-openssl": "*",
"ext-simplexml": "*",
"ext-xmlwriter": "*"
"phpunit/phpunit": "3.7.*"
"EasyAsk": "lib"

Part of controller class where I'm trying to inject RemoteFactory

use MagentoFrameworkEventManager;
use EasyAskImplRemoteFactory;

class Index extends MagentoCatalogSearchControllerResultIndex
* @var QueryFactory
private $_queryFactory;

* Catalog Layer Resolver
* @var Resolver
private $layerResolver;

protected $scopeConfig;

protected $_eventManager;

protected $_remoteFactory;

* @param Context $context
* @param Session $catalogSession
* @param StoreManagerInterface $storeManager
* @param QueryFactory $queryFactory
* @param Resolver $layerResolver
* @param ScopeConfigInterface $scopeConfig
public function __construct(
Context $context,
Session $catalogSession,
StoreManagerInterface $storeManager,
QueryFactory $queryFactory,
Resolver $layerResolver,
ScopeConfigInterface $scopeConfig,
Manager $eventManager,
RemoteFactory $remoteFactory
parent::__construct($context, $catalogSession, $storeManager, $queryFactory, $layerResolver);
$this->_storeManager = $storeManager;
$this->_catalogSession = $catalogSession;
$this->_queryFactory = $queryFactory;
$this->layerResolver = $layerResolver;
$this->scopeConfig = $scopeConfig;
$this->_eventManager = $eventManager;
$this->_remoteFactory = $remoteFactory;

Let me know if you need any more information.

share|improve this question

  • What version of 2.0 are you running (1.0.0-beta)? You should take a look at the latest 2.0.x version because there are some changes to composer.json. Also take a look at…

    – Renon Stewart
    Feb 23 '16 at 17:29

  • I am using the beta version. Let me download the latest version and try it again. Thanks.

    – Srinivas
    Feb 23 '16 at 21:18

  • I downloaded 2.0.2, installed it, did all the upgrades, made sure the site is working as expected. Added my module and made sure the controller class is getting called. I tried psr-4 approach without any luck. Maybe my approach to this problem is wrong. Let me state what I am trying to do. I want somebody to comment on the correct approach. I have a module that has all the stuff (blocks, controller, models etc), in Magento 1 I had the library files (bunch of files that makes a curl request to a server and parse the JSON response into php objects) in lib directory. Based on my

    – Srinivas
    Feb 25 '16 at 20:55

  • understanding I tried to add the lib files in vendor. that did not work. After further reading I placed the files in <magento install dir>/lib. The structure is lib/easyask/easyask/lib/EasyAsk/Impl. I have composer.json file in lib/easyask/easyask directory that has "autoload": "psr-4": "EasyAsk\": "lib/" . Is this the right approach? BTW, this did not work either. When i did setup:di:compile, I get Class does not exist error for EasyAskImpleRemoteFactory. Should I just place the files in app/code/EasyAsk/lib directory?

    – Srinivas
    Feb 25 '16 at 21:02


Sorry for the lengthy message. I just wanted to provide as much information as possible. I am writing a new module. I have a custom library that I need to load to use in my module. I have the library classes in vendor/easyask/easyask_search/lib/EasyAsk/Impl. The module is in app/code/EasyAsk/Search.

When I try to invoke EasyAskImplRemoteFactory, I get a class does not exist error. I know the lib files are not autoloaded as I don't see them referenced in vendor/composer/autoload_namespaces.php file.

Can somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Here is the composer.json in my module

"name": "easyask/module-search",
"description": "A better search module from EasyAsk",
"php": "~5.5.0,
"type": "magento2-module",
"version": "1.0.0-beta",
"license": [
"map": [

Here is the composer.json from vendor/easyask/easyask_search directory

"name": "easyask/easyask_search",
"type": "magento2-library",
"description": "EasyAsk Search PHP Client Library",
"license": "N/A",
"authors": [

"name": "EasyAsk",
"homepage": ""

"php": ">=5.2.1",
"ext-curl": "*",
"ext-dom": "*",
"ext-hash": "*",
"ext-openssl": "*",
"ext-simplexml": "*",
"ext-xmlwriter": "*"
"phpunit/phpunit": "3.7.*"
"EasyAsk": "lib"

Part of controller class where I'm trying to inject RemoteFactory

use MagentoFrameworkEventManager;
use EasyAskImplRemoteFactory;

class Index extends MagentoCatalogSearchControllerResultIndex
* @var QueryFactory
private $_queryFactory;

* Catalog Layer Resolver
* @var Resolver
private $layerResolver;

protected $scopeConfig;

protected $_eventManager;

protected $_remoteFactory;

* @param Context $context
* @param Session $catalogSession
* @param StoreManagerInterface $storeManager
* @param QueryFactory $queryFactory
* @param Resolver $layerResolver
* @param ScopeConfigInterface $scopeConfig
public function __construct(
Context $context,
Session $catalogSession,
StoreManagerInterface $storeManager,
QueryFactory $queryFactory,
Resolver $layerResolver,
ScopeConfigInterface $scopeConfig,
Manager $eventManager,
RemoteFactory $remoteFactory
parent::__construct($context, $catalogSession, $storeManager, $queryFactory, $layerResolver);
$this->_storeManager = $storeManager;
$this->_catalogSession = $catalogSession;
$this->_queryFactory = $queryFactory;
$this->layerResolver = $layerResolver;
$this->scopeConfig = $scopeConfig;
$this->_eventManager = $eventManager;
$this->_remoteFactory = $remoteFactory;

Let me know if you need any more information.

share|improve this question

  • What version of 2.0 are you running (1.0.0-beta)? You should take a look at the latest 2.0.x version because there are some changes to composer.json. Also take a look at…

    – Renon Stewart
    Feb 23 '16 at 17:29

  • I am using the beta version. Let me download the latest version and try it again. Thanks.

    – Srinivas
    Feb 23 '16 at 21:18

  • I downloaded 2.0.2, installed it, did all the upgrades, made sure the site is working as expected. Added my module and made sure the controller class is getting called. I tried psr-4 approach without any luck. Maybe my approach to this problem is wrong. Let me state what I am trying to do. I want somebody to comment on the correct approach. I have a module that has all the stuff (blocks, controller, models etc), in Magento 1 I had the library files (bunch of files that makes a curl request to a server and parse the JSON response into php objects) in lib directory. Based on my

    – Srinivas
    Feb 25 '16 at 20:55

  • understanding I tried to add the lib files in vendor. that did not work. After further reading I placed the files in <magento install dir>/lib. The structure is lib/easyask/easyask/lib/EasyAsk/Impl. I have composer.json file in lib/easyask/easyask directory that has "autoload": "psr-4": "EasyAsk\": "lib/" . Is this the right approach? BTW, this did not work either. When i did setup:di:compile, I get Class does not exist error for EasyAskImpleRemoteFactory. Should I just place the files in app/code/EasyAsk/lib directory?

    – Srinivas
    Feb 25 '16 at 21:02




Sorry for the lengthy message. I just wanted to provide as much information as possible. I am writing a new module. I have a custom library that I need to load to use in my module. I have the library classes in vendor/easyask/easyask_search/lib/EasyAsk/Impl. The module is in app/code/EasyAsk/Search.

When I try to invoke EasyAskImplRemoteFactory, I get a class does not exist error. I know the lib files are not autoloaded as I don't see them referenced in vendor/composer/autoload_namespaces.php file.

Can somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Here is the composer.json in my module

"name": "easyask/module-search",
"description": "A better search module from EasyAsk",
"php": "~5.5.0,
"type": "magento2-module",
"version": "1.0.0-beta",
"license": [
"map": [

Here is the composer.json from vendor/easyask/easyask_search directory

"name": "easyask/easyask_search",
"type": "magento2-library",
"description": "EasyAsk Search PHP Client Library",
"license": "N/A",
"authors": [

"name": "EasyAsk",
"homepage": ""

"php": ">=5.2.1",
"ext-curl": "*",
"ext-dom": "*",
"ext-hash": "*",
"ext-openssl": "*",
"ext-simplexml": "*",
"ext-xmlwriter": "*"
"phpunit/phpunit": "3.7.*"
"EasyAsk": "lib"

Part of controller class where I'm trying to inject RemoteFactory

use MagentoFrameworkEventManager;
use EasyAskImplRemoteFactory;

class Index extends MagentoCatalogSearchControllerResultIndex
* @var QueryFactory
private $_queryFactory;

* Catalog Layer Resolver
* @var Resolver
private $layerResolver;

protected $scopeConfig;

protected $_eventManager;

protected $_remoteFactory;

* @param Context $context
* @param Session $catalogSession
* @param StoreManagerInterface $storeManager
* @param QueryFactory $queryFactory
* @param Resolver $layerResolver
* @param ScopeConfigInterface $scopeConfig
public function __construct(
Context $context,
Session $catalogSession,
StoreManagerInterface $storeManager,
QueryFactory $queryFactory,
Resolver $layerResolver,
ScopeConfigInterface $scopeConfig,
Manager $eventManager,
RemoteFactory $remoteFactory
parent::__construct($context, $catalogSession, $storeManager, $queryFactory, $layerResolver);
$this->_storeManager = $storeManager;
$this->_catalogSession = $catalogSession;
$this->_queryFactory = $queryFactory;
$this->layerResolver = $layerResolver;
$this->scopeConfig = $scopeConfig;
$this->_eventManager = $eventManager;
$this->_remoteFactory = $remoteFactory;

Let me know if you need any more information.

share|improve this question

Sorry for the lengthy message. I just wanted to provide as much information as possible. I am writing a new module. I have a custom library that I need to load to use in my module. I have the library classes in vendor/easyask/easyask_search/lib/EasyAsk/Impl. The module is in app/code/EasyAsk/Search.

When I try to invoke EasyAskImplRemoteFactory, I get a class does not exist error. I know the lib files are not autoloaded as I don't see them referenced in vendor/composer/autoload_namespaces.php file.

Can somebody tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Here is the composer.json in my module

"name": "easyask/module-search",
"description": "A better search module from EasyAsk",
"php": "~5.5.0,
"type": "magento2-module",
"version": "1.0.0-beta",
"license": [
"map": [

Here is the composer.json from vendor/easyask/easyask_search directory

"name": "easyask/easyask_search",
"type": "magento2-library",
"description": "EasyAsk Search PHP Client Library",
"license": "N/A",
"authors": [

"name": "EasyAsk",
"homepage": ""

"php": ">=5.2.1",
"ext-curl": "*",
"ext-dom": "*",
"ext-hash": "*",
"ext-openssl": "*",
"ext-simplexml": "*",
"ext-xmlwriter": "*"
"phpunit/phpunit": "3.7.*"
"EasyAsk": "lib"

Part of controller class where I'm trying to inject RemoteFactory

use MagentoFrameworkEventManager;
use EasyAskImplRemoteFactory;

class Index extends MagentoCatalogSearchControllerResultIndex
* @var QueryFactory
private $_queryFactory;

* Catalog Layer Resolver
* @var Resolver
private $layerResolver;

protected $scopeConfig;

protected $_eventManager;

protected $_remoteFactory;

* @param Context $context
* @param Session $catalogSession
* @param StoreManagerInterface $storeManager
* @param QueryFactory $queryFactory
* @param Resolver $layerResolver
* @param ScopeConfigInterface $scopeConfig
public function __construct(
Context $context,
Session $catalogSession,
StoreManagerInterface $storeManager,
QueryFactory $queryFactory,
Resolver $layerResolver,
ScopeConfigInterface $scopeConfig,
Manager $eventManager,
RemoteFactory $remoteFactory
parent::__construct($context, $catalogSession, $storeManager, $queryFactory, $layerResolver);
$this->_storeManager = $storeManager;
$this->_catalogSession = $catalogSession;
$this->_queryFactory = $queryFactory;
$this->layerResolver = $layerResolver;
$this->scopeConfig = $scopeConfig;
$this->_eventManager = $eventManager;
$this->_remoteFactory = $remoteFactory;

Let me know if you need any more information.

magento2 composer

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

share|improve this question

edited Aug 25 '17 at 20:00

Rafael Corrêa Gomes



asked Feb 23 '16 at 17:22




  • What version of 2.0 are you running (1.0.0-beta)? You should take a look at the latest 2.0.x version because there are some changes to composer.json. Also take a look at…

    – Renon Stewart
    Feb 23 '16 at 17:29

  • I am using the beta version. Let me download the latest version and try it again. Thanks.

    – Srinivas
    Feb 23 '16 at 21:18

  • I downloaded 2.0.2, installed it, did all the upgrades, made sure the site is working as expected. Added my module and made sure the controller class is getting called. I tried psr-4 approach without any luck. Maybe my approach to this problem is wrong. Let me state what I am trying to do. I want somebody to comment on the correct approach. I have a module that has all the stuff (blocks, controller, models etc), in Magento 1 I had the library files (bunch of files that makes a curl request to a server and parse the JSON response into php objects) in lib directory. Based on my

    – Srinivas
    Feb 25 '16 at 20:55

  • understanding I tried to add the lib files in vendor. that did not work. After further reading I placed the files in <magento install dir>/lib. The structure is lib/easyask/easyask/lib/EasyAsk/Impl. I have composer.json file in lib/easyask/easyask directory that has "autoload": "psr-4": "EasyAsk\": "lib/" . Is this the right approach? BTW, this did not work either. When i did setup:di:compile, I get Class does not exist error for EasyAskImpleRemoteFactory. Should I just place the files in app/code/EasyAsk/lib directory?

    – Srinivas
    Feb 25 '16 at 21:02

  • What version of 2.0 are you running (1.0.0-beta)? You should take a look at the latest 2.0.x version because there are some changes to composer.json. Also take a look at…

    – Renon Stewart
    Feb 23 '16 at 17:29

  • I am using the beta version. Let me download the latest version and try it again. Thanks.

    – Srinivas
    Feb 23 '16 at 21:18

  • I downloaded 2.0.2, installed it, did all the upgrades, made sure the site is working as expected. Added my module and made sure the controller class is getting called. I tried psr-4 approach without any luck. Maybe my approach to this problem is wrong. Let me state what I am trying to do. I want somebody to comment on the correct approach. I have a module that has all the stuff (blocks, controller, models etc), in Magento 1 I had the library files (bunch of files that makes a curl request to a server and parse the JSON response into php objects) in lib directory. Based on my

    – Srinivas
    Feb 25 '16 at 20:55

  • understanding I tried to add the lib files in vendor. that did not work. After further reading I placed the files in <magento install dir>/lib. The structure is lib/easyask/easyask/lib/EasyAsk/Impl. I have composer.json file in lib/easyask/easyask directory that has "autoload": "psr-4": "EasyAsk\": "lib/" . Is this the right approach? BTW, this did not work either. When i did setup:di:compile, I get Class does not exist error for EasyAskImpleRemoteFactory. Should I just place the files in app/code/EasyAsk/lib directory?

    – Srinivas
    Feb 25 '16 at 21:02

What version of 2.0 are you running (1.0.0-beta)? You should take a look at the latest 2.0.x version because there are some changes to composer.json. Also take a look at…

– Renon Stewart
Feb 23 '16 at 17:29

What version of 2.0 are you running (1.0.0-beta)? You should take a look at the latest 2.0.x version because there are some changes to composer.json. Also take a look at…

– Renon Stewart
Feb 23 '16 at 17:29

I am using the beta version. Let me download the latest version and try it again. Thanks.

– Srinivas
Feb 23 '16 at 21:18

I am using the beta version. Let me download the latest version and try it again. Thanks.

– Srinivas
Feb 23 '16 at 21:18

I downloaded 2.0.2, installed it, did all the upgrades, made sure the site is working as expected. Added my module and made sure the controller class is getting called. I tried psr-4 approach without any luck. Maybe my approach to this problem is wrong. Let me state what I am trying to do. I want somebody to comment on the correct approach. I have a module that has all the stuff (blocks, controller, models etc), in Magento 1 I had the library files (bunch of files that makes a curl request to a server and parse the JSON response into php objects) in lib directory. Based on my

– Srinivas
Feb 25 '16 at 20:55

I downloaded 2.0.2, installed it, did all the upgrades, made sure the site is working as expected. Added my module and made sure the controller class is getting called. I tried psr-4 approach without any luck. Maybe my approach to this problem is wrong. Let me state what I am trying to do. I want somebody to comment on the correct approach. I have a module that has all the stuff (blocks, controller, models etc), in Magento 1 I had the library files (bunch of files that makes a curl request to a server and parse the JSON response into php objects) in lib directory. Based on my

– Srinivas
Feb 25 '16 at 20:55

understanding I tried to add the lib files in vendor. that did not work. After further reading I placed the files in <magento install dir>/lib. The structure is lib/easyask/easyask/lib/EasyAsk/Impl. I have composer.json file in lib/easyask/easyask directory that has "autoload": "psr-4": "EasyAsk\": "lib/" . Is this the right approach? BTW, this did not work either. When i did setup:di:compile, I get Class does not exist error for EasyAskImpleRemoteFactory. Should I just place the files in app/code/EasyAsk/lib directory?

– Srinivas
Feb 25 '16 at 21:02

understanding I tried to add the lib files in vendor. that did not work. After further reading I placed the files in <magento install dir>/lib. The structure is lib/easyask/easyask/lib/EasyAsk/Impl. I have composer.json file in lib/easyask/easyask directory that has "autoload": "psr-4": "EasyAsk\": "lib/" . Is this the right approach? BTW, this did not work either. When i did setup:di:compile, I get Class does not exist error for EasyAskImpleRemoteFactory. Should I just place the files in app/code/EasyAsk/lib directory?

– Srinivas
Feb 25 '16 at 21:02

2 Answers





if you installed the library via composer, I can only see one potential problem on first sight.

the psr-0 namespace declaration must have (I think) a trailing backslash (which also must be escaped). So it would look like this:

"EasyAsk\": "lib"

The file for the class in your library should then be located in lib/EasyAsk/Impl/RemoteFactory.php and have the namespace EasyAskImpl and the class name RemoteFactory

you could also leave out the type magento2-library then which would default to the library and just use the default composer autoloading mechanism.

you can find further information on composer psr-0 autoloading here:

to see if your library is correctly loaded via composer you can also look into the file vendor/composer/autoload_psr0.php (or smth similar). There should be an entry for this.

To recompile the composer autoloading files you can execute the following command in your Magento 2 root dir: composer dumpautoload

share|improve this answer

  • Thank you @david-verholen for the response. I made the change in the namespace declaration, but without any luck. I still don't see the entry in vendor/composer/autoload_namespaces.php.

    – Srinivas
    Feb 23 '16 at 21:09

  • I think the trailing backslash is required when using PSR4, not with PSR0:

    – stefandoorn
    Feb 23 '16 at 22:58

  • @Srinivas After making changes to your modules, make sure to update things. You can't just change it inside the vendor folder and expect it to work; therefore you need the composer dump-autoload command to recompile things as mentioned above. I would suggest to go with PSR4 anyway, in my opinion its easier to follow the paths when using it, and easier to make use of it in composer.json.

    – stefandoorn
    Feb 23 '16 at 23:01

  • @stefandoorn Thanks for your suggestion, I changed it to psr4. Yes whenever I make any changes I have been doing composer dump-autoload. I feel I am making a very simple mistake in the code and it still is not working. Here are the changes I made:1. Changed the vendor directory to easyask/easyask. 2. composer.json in vendor/easyask/easyask has "autoload": "psr-4": "EasyAsk\": "lib/EasyAsk/" 3. I changed the reference in module composer.json to point to easyask/easyask. I don't see easyask reference in vendor/composer/autoload_psr4.php.

    – Srinivas
    Feb 24 '16 at 18:22

  • using psr-4 is most likely the better and easier approach. Did you change your directory Structure in your lib as well? with psr-4 defined like in your psr-0 Example, the Classfile would have to be in the directory lib/Impl/RemoteFactory.php

    – David Verholen
    Feb 24 '16 at 18:22


Take a look how Magento 2 itself did this in Magento_Base modules' composer.json, inside extra key. I was able to utilise the same syntax for a php library in one of my modules. For reference, I just pasted that chunk of code below:

"trentrichardson/jquery-timepicker-addon": "lib/web/jquery/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js",
"components/jquery": [
"blueimp/jquery-file-upload": "lib/web/jquery/fileUploader",
"components/jqueryui": "lib/web/jquery/jquery-ui.js",
"twbs/bootstrap": "lib/web/jquery/jquery.tabs.js",
"tinymce/tinymce": "lib/web/tiny_mce"
"map": [

Hope this helps.

share|improve this answer

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    2 Answers




    2 Answers











    if you installed the library via composer, I can only see one potential problem on first sight.

    the psr-0 namespace declaration must have (I think) a trailing backslash (which also must be escaped). So it would look like this:

    "EasyAsk\": "lib"

    The file for the class in your library should then be located in lib/EasyAsk/Impl/RemoteFactory.php and have the namespace EasyAskImpl and the class name RemoteFactory

    you could also leave out the type magento2-library then which would default to the library and just use the default composer autoloading mechanism.

    you can find further information on composer psr-0 autoloading here:

    to see if your library is correctly loaded via composer you can also look into the file vendor/composer/autoload_psr0.php (or smth similar). There should be an entry for this.

    To recompile the composer autoloading files you can execute the following command in your Magento 2 root dir: composer dumpautoload

    share|improve this answer

    • Thank you @david-verholen for the response. I made the change in the namespace declaration, but without any luck. I still don't see the entry in vendor/composer/autoload_namespaces.php.

      – Srinivas
      Feb 23 '16 at 21:09

    • I think the trailing backslash is required when using PSR4, not with PSR0:

      – stefandoorn
      Feb 23 '16 at 22:58

    • @Srinivas After making changes to your modules, make sure to update things. You can't just change it inside the vendor folder and expect it to work; therefore you need the composer dump-autoload command to recompile things as mentioned above. I would suggest to go with PSR4 anyway, in my opinion its easier to follow the paths when using it, and easier to make use of it in composer.json.

      – stefandoorn
      Feb 23 '16 at 23:01

    • @stefandoorn Thanks for your suggestion, I changed it to psr4. Yes whenever I make any changes I have been doing composer dump-autoload. I feel I am making a very simple mistake in the code and it still is not working. Here are the changes I made:1. Changed the vendor directory to easyask/easyask. 2. composer.json in vendor/easyask/easyask has "autoload": "psr-4": "EasyAsk\": "lib/EasyAsk/" 3. I changed the reference in module composer.json to point to easyask/easyask. I don't see easyask reference in vendor/composer/autoload_psr4.php.

      – Srinivas
      Feb 24 '16 at 18:22

    • using psr-4 is most likely the better and easier approach. Did you change your directory Structure in your lib as well? with psr-4 defined like in your psr-0 Example, the Classfile would have to be in the directory lib/Impl/RemoteFactory.php

      – David Verholen
      Feb 24 '16 at 18:22


    if you installed the library via composer, I can only see one potential problem on first sight.

    the psr-0 namespace declaration must have (I think) a trailing backslash (which also must be escaped). So it would look like this:

    "EasyAsk\": "lib"

    The file for the class in your library should then be located in lib/EasyAsk/Impl/RemoteFactory.php and have the namespace EasyAskImpl and the class name RemoteFactory

    you could also leave out the type magento2-library then which would default to the library and just use the default composer autoloading mechanism.

    you can find further information on composer psr-0 autoloading here:

    to see if your library is correctly loaded via composer you can also look into the file vendor/composer/autoload_psr0.php (or smth similar). There should be an entry for this.

    To recompile the composer autoloading files you can execute the following command in your Magento 2 root dir: composer dumpautoload

    share|improve this answer

    • Thank you @david-verholen for the response. I made the change in the namespace declaration, but without any luck. I still don't see the entry in vendor/composer/autoload_namespaces.php.

      – Srinivas
      Feb 23 '16 at 21:09

    • I think the trailing backslash is required when using PSR4, not with PSR0:

      – stefandoorn
      Feb 23 '16 at 22:58

    • @Srinivas After making changes to your modules, make sure to update things. You can't just change it inside the vendor folder and expect it to work; therefore you need the composer dump-autoload command to recompile things as mentioned above. I would suggest to go with PSR4 anyway, in my opinion its easier to follow the paths when using it, and easier to make use of it in composer.json.

      – stefandoorn
      Feb 23 '16 at 23:01

    • @stefandoorn Thanks for your suggestion, I changed it to psr4. Yes whenever I make any changes I have been doing composer dump-autoload. I feel I am making a very simple mistake in the code and it still is not working. Here are the changes I made:1. Changed the vendor directory to easyask/easyask. 2. composer.json in vendor/easyask/easyask has "autoload": "psr-4": "EasyAsk\": "lib/EasyAsk/" 3. I changed the reference in module composer.json to point to easyask/easyask. I don't see easyask reference in vendor/composer/autoload_psr4.php.

      – Srinivas
      Feb 24 '16 at 18:22

    • using psr-4 is most likely the better and easier approach. Did you change your directory Structure in your lib as well? with psr-4 defined like in your psr-0 Example, the Classfile would have to be in the directory lib/Impl/RemoteFactory.php

      – David Verholen
      Feb 24 '16 at 18:22




    if you installed the library via composer, I can only see one potential problem on first sight.

    the psr-0 namespace declaration must have (I think) a trailing backslash (which also must be escaped). So it would look like this:

    "EasyAsk\": "lib"

    The file for the class in your library should then be located in lib/EasyAsk/Impl/RemoteFactory.php and have the namespace EasyAskImpl and the class name RemoteFactory

    you could also leave out the type magento2-library then which would default to the library and just use the default composer autoloading mechanism.

    you can find further information on composer psr-0 autoloading here:

    to see if your library is correctly loaded via composer you can also look into the file vendor/composer/autoload_psr0.php (or smth similar). There should be an entry for this.

    To recompile the composer autoloading files you can execute the following command in your Magento 2 root dir: composer dumpautoload

    share|improve this answer

    if you installed the library via composer, I can only see one potential problem on first sight.

    the psr-0 namespace declaration must have (I think) a trailing backslash (which also must be escaped). So it would look like this:

    "EasyAsk\": "lib"

    The file for the class in your library should then be located in lib/EasyAsk/Impl/RemoteFactory.php and have the namespace EasyAskImpl and the class name RemoteFactory

    you could also leave out the type magento2-library then which would default to the library and just use the default composer autoloading mechanism.

    you can find further information on composer psr-0 autoloading here:

    to see if your library is correctly loaded via composer you can also look into the file vendor/composer/autoload_psr0.php (or smth similar). There should be an entry for this.

    To recompile the composer autoloading files you can execute the following command in your Magento 2 root dir: composer dumpautoload

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    share|improve this answer

    edited Aug 25 '17 at 20:01

    Rafael Corrêa Gomes



    answered Feb 23 '16 at 17:46

    David VerholenDavid Verholen



    • Thank you @david-verholen for the response. I made the change in the namespace declaration, but without any luck. I still don't see the entry in vendor/composer/autoload_namespaces.php.

      – Srinivas
      Feb 23 '16 at 21:09

    • I think the trailing backslash is required when using PSR4, not with PSR0:

      – stefandoorn
      Feb 23 '16 at 22:58

    • @Srinivas After making changes to your modules, make sure to update things. You can't just change it inside the vendor folder and expect it to work; therefore you need the composer dump-autoload command to recompile things as mentioned above. I would suggest to go with PSR4 anyway, in my opinion its easier to follow the paths when using it, and easier to make use of it in composer.json.

      – stefandoorn
      Feb 23 '16 at 23:01

    • @stefandoorn Thanks for your suggestion, I changed it to psr4. Yes whenever I make any changes I have been doing composer dump-autoload. I feel I am making a very simple mistake in the code and it still is not working. Here are the changes I made:1. Changed the vendor directory to easyask/easyask. 2. composer.json in vendor/easyask/easyask has "autoload": "psr-4": "EasyAsk\": "lib/EasyAsk/" 3. I changed the reference in module composer.json to point to easyask/easyask. I don't see easyask reference in vendor/composer/autoload_psr4.php.

      – Srinivas
      Feb 24 '16 at 18:22

    • using psr-4 is most likely the better and easier approach. Did you change your directory Structure in your lib as well? with psr-4 defined like in your psr-0 Example, the Classfile would have to be in the directory lib/Impl/RemoteFactory.php

      – David Verholen
      Feb 24 '16 at 18:22

    • Thank you @david-verholen for the response. I made the change in the namespace declaration, but without any luck. I still don't see the entry in vendor/composer/autoload_namespaces.php.

      – Srinivas
      Feb 23 '16 at 21:09

    • I think the trailing backslash is required when using PSR4, not with PSR0:

      – stefandoorn
      Feb 23 '16 at 22:58

    • @Srinivas After making changes to your modules, make sure to update things. You can't just change it inside the vendor folder and expect it to work; therefore you need the composer dump-autoload command to recompile things as mentioned above. I would suggest to go with PSR4 anyway, in my opinion its easier to follow the paths when using it, and easier to make use of it in composer.json.

      – stefandoorn
      Feb 23 '16 at 23:01

    • @stefandoorn Thanks for your suggestion, I changed it to psr4. Yes whenever I make any changes I have been doing composer dump-autoload. I feel I am making a very simple mistake in the code and it still is not working. Here are the changes I made:1. Changed the vendor directory to easyask/easyask. 2. composer.json in vendor/easyask/easyask has "autoload": "psr-4": "EasyAsk\": "lib/EasyAsk/" 3. I changed the reference in module composer.json to point to easyask/easyask. I don't see easyask reference in vendor/composer/autoload_psr4.php.

      – Srinivas
      Feb 24 '16 at 18:22

    • using psr-4 is most likely the better and easier approach. Did you change your directory Structure in your lib as well? with psr-4 defined like in your psr-0 Example, the Classfile would have to be in the directory lib/Impl/RemoteFactory.php

      – David Verholen
      Feb 24 '16 at 18:22

    Thank you @david-verholen for the response. I made the change in the namespace declaration, but without any luck. I still don't see the entry in vendor/composer/autoload_namespaces.php.

    – Srinivas
    Feb 23 '16 at 21:09

    Thank you @david-verholen for the response. I made the change in the namespace declaration, but without any luck. I still don't see the entry in vendor/composer/autoload_namespaces.php.

    – Srinivas
    Feb 23 '16 at 21:09

    I think the trailing backslash is required when using PSR4, not with PSR0:

    – stefandoorn
    Feb 23 '16 at 22:58

    I think the trailing backslash is required when using PSR4, not with PSR0:

    – stefandoorn
    Feb 23 '16 at 22:58

    @Srinivas After making changes to your modules, make sure to update things. You can't just change it inside the vendor folder and expect it to work; therefore you need the composer dump-autoload command to recompile things as mentioned above. I would suggest to go with PSR4 anyway, in my opinion its easier to follow the paths when using it, and easier to make use of it in composer.json.

    – stefandoorn
    Feb 23 '16 at 23:01

    @Srinivas After making changes to your modules, make sure to update things. You can't just change it inside the vendor folder and expect it to work; therefore you need the composer dump-autoload command to recompile things as mentioned above. I would suggest to go with PSR4 anyway, in my opinion its easier to follow the paths when using it, and easier to make use of it in composer.json.

    – stefandoorn
    Feb 23 '16 at 23:01

    @stefandoorn Thanks for your suggestion, I changed it to psr4. Yes whenever I make any changes I have been doing composer dump-autoload. I feel I am making a very simple mistake in the code and it still is not working. Here are the changes I made:1. Changed the vendor directory to easyask/easyask. 2. composer.json in vendor/easyask/easyask has "autoload": "psr-4": "EasyAsk\": "lib/EasyAsk/" 3. I changed the reference in module composer.json to point to easyask/easyask. I don't see easyask reference in vendor/composer/autoload_psr4.php.

    – Srinivas
    Feb 24 '16 at 18:22

    @stefandoorn Thanks for your suggestion, I changed it to psr4. Yes whenever I make any changes I have been doing composer dump-autoload. I feel I am making a very simple mistake in the code and it still is not working. Here are the changes I made:1. Changed the vendor directory to easyask/easyask. 2. composer.json in vendor/easyask/easyask has "autoload": "psr-4": "EasyAsk\": "lib/EasyAsk/" 3. I changed the reference in module composer.json to point to easyask/easyask. I don't see easyask reference in vendor/composer/autoload_psr4.php.

    – Srinivas
    Feb 24 '16 at 18:22

    using psr-4 is most likely the better and easier approach. Did you change your directory Structure in your lib as well? with psr-4 defined like in your psr-0 Example, the Classfile would have to be in the directory lib/Impl/RemoteFactory.php

    – David Verholen
    Feb 24 '16 at 18:22

    using psr-4 is most likely the better and easier approach. Did you change your directory Structure in your lib as well? with psr-4 defined like in your psr-0 Example, the Classfile would have to be in the directory lib/Impl/RemoteFactory.php

    – David Verholen
    Feb 24 '16 at 18:22


    Take a look how Magento 2 itself did this in Magento_Base modules' composer.json, inside extra key. I was able to utilise the same syntax for a php library in one of my modules. For reference, I just pasted that chunk of code below:

    "trentrichardson/jquery-timepicker-addon": "lib/web/jquery/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js",
    "components/jquery": [
    "blueimp/jquery-file-upload": "lib/web/jquery/fileUploader",
    "components/jqueryui": "lib/web/jquery/jquery-ui.js",
    "twbs/bootstrap": "lib/web/jquery/jquery.tabs.js",
    "tinymce/tinymce": "lib/web/tiny_mce"
    "map": [

    Hope this helps.

    share|improve this answer


      Take a look how Magento 2 itself did this in Magento_Base modules' composer.json, inside extra key. I was able to utilise the same syntax for a php library in one of my modules. For reference, I just pasted that chunk of code below:

      "trentrichardson/jquery-timepicker-addon": "lib/web/jquery/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js",
      "components/jquery": [
      "blueimp/jquery-file-upload": "lib/web/jquery/fileUploader",
      "components/jqueryui": "lib/web/jquery/jquery-ui.js",
      "twbs/bootstrap": "lib/web/jquery/jquery.tabs.js",
      "tinymce/tinymce": "lib/web/tiny_mce"
      "map": [

      Hope this helps.

      share|improve this answer




        Take a look how Magento 2 itself did this in Magento_Base modules' composer.json, inside extra key. I was able to utilise the same syntax for a php library in one of my modules. For reference, I just pasted that chunk of code below:

        "trentrichardson/jquery-timepicker-addon": "lib/web/jquery/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js",
        "components/jquery": [
        "blueimp/jquery-file-upload": "lib/web/jquery/fileUploader",
        "components/jqueryui": "lib/web/jquery/jquery-ui.js",
        "twbs/bootstrap": "lib/web/jquery/jquery.tabs.js",
        "tinymce/tinymce": "lib/web/tiny_mce"
        "map": [

        Hope this helps.

        share|improve this answer

        Take a look how Magento 2 itself did this in Magento_Base modules' composer.json, inside extra key. I was able to utilise the same syntax for a php library in one of my modules. For reference, I just pasted that chunk of code below:

        "trentrichardson/jquery-timepicker-addon": "lib/web/jquery/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.js",
        "components/jquery": [
        "blueimp/jquery-file-upload": "lib/web/jquery/fileUploader",
        "components/jqueryui": "lib/web/jquery/jquery-ui.js",
        "twbs/bootstrap": "lib/web/jquery/jquery.tabs.js",
        "tinymce/tinymce": "lib/web/tiny_mce"
        "map": [

        Hope this helps.

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        share|improve this answer

        answered Sep 30 '17 at 17:08




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