How to update record using multiple conditions in CollectionFactory magento 2 The 2019 Stack Overflow Developer Survey Results Are InUnit Test for overwrite collection class in magento2main.CRITICAL: Plugin class doesn't existHow to change save path of PDF files in magento 2Magento 2: How to override newsletter Subscriber modelMagento 2.1 Create a filter in the product grid by new attributeHow to override _registerJsPrice($price) function in Configurable.php Block in Magento2?Magento offline custom Payment method with drop down listMagento 2 Create dynamic array From different Model Collection to use in multi select in gridMagento 2: I Want to add multiple product using checkboxMagento 2.3 Can't view module's front end page output?

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How to update record using multiple conditions in CollectionFactory magento 2

The 2019 Stack Overflow Developer Survey Results Are InUnit Test for overwrite collection class in magento2main.CRITICAL: Plugin class doesn't existHow to change save path of PDF files in magento 2Magento 2: How to override newsletter Subscriber modelMagento 2.1 Create a filter in the product grid by new attributeHow to override _registerJsPrice($price) function in Configurable.php Block in Magento2?Magento offline custom Payment method with drop down listMagento 2 Create dynamic array From different Model Collection to use in multi select in gridMagento 2: I Want to add multiple product using checkboxMagento 2.3 Can't view module's front end page output?

.everyoneloves__top-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__mid-leaderboard:empty,.everyoneloves__bot-mid-leaderboard:empty margin-bottom:0;


I am trying to update the record but it creates a new record.

Collection factory


namespace WebkulMpquotesystemBlock;

use WebkulMpquotesystemModelResourceModelQuoteconversation;
use MagentoFrameworkPricingHelperData;
use WebkulMpquotesystemModelQuotesFactory;
use WebkulMpquotesystemModelSellerQuotesFactory;
use WebkulMpquotesystemModelQuoteconversationFactory;
use MagentoCatalogModelProductFactory;
use WebkulMpquotesystemModelResourceModelSellerQuotes;

class Mpeditquotes extends MagentoFrameworkViewElementTemplate

* @var customerSession
protected $_customerSession;
* @var MagentoCustomerModelCustomer
protected $_customerModel;
* @var quoteCollection
protected $_quoteConversationCollection;
* @var pricingHelper
protected $_pricingHelper;
* @var _quotesFactory
protected $_quotesFactory;
* @var _sellerQuoteFactory
protected $_sellerQuoteFactory;
* @var _productFactory
protected $_productFactory;
* @var MagentoCatalogHelperImage
protected $_imageHelper;
* @var _quoteConversationCollectionFactory
protected $_quoteConversationCollectionFactory;
* @var _quoteconversationFactory
protected $_quoteconversationFactory;
protected $_sellercolletcionquotes;

* @param MagentoCustomerModelSession $customerSession
* @param MagentoCustomerModelCustomer $customerModel
* @param MagentoCatalogBlockProductContext $context
* @param QuoteconversationCollectionFactory $conversationCollectionFactory
* @param QuotesFactory $_quotesFactory
* @param ProductFactory $productFactory
* @param QuoteconversationFactory $conversationFactory
* @param Data $pricingHelper
* @param array $data

public function __construct(
MagentoCustomerModelSession $customerSession,
MagentoCustomerModelCustomer $customerModel,
MagentoCatalogBlockProductContext $context,
QuoteconversationCollectionFactory $conversationCollectionFactory,
QuotesFactory $_quotesFactory,
SellerQuotesFactory $sellerQuoteFactory,
ProductFactory $productFactory,
QuoteconversationFactory $conversationFactory,
WebkulMpquotesystemModelResourceModelSellerQuotesCollectionFactory $sellercolletcionquotes,
Data $pricingHelper,
array $data = []
$this->_customerSession = $customerSession;
$this->_customerModel = $customerModel;
$this->_quoteConversationCollectionFactory = $conversationCollectionFactory;
$this->_pricingHelper = $pricingHelper;
$this->_quotesFactory = $_quotesFactory;
$this->_productFactory = $productFactory;
$this->_sellerQuoteFactory = $sellerQuoteFactory;
$this->_quoteconversationFactory = $conversationFactory;
$this->_imageHelper = $context->getImageHelper();
$this->_sellercolletcionquotes = $sellercolletcionquotes;
parent::__construct($context, $data);

* @return $this
protected function _prepareLayout()

if ($this->getQuoteConversationCollection())
$pager = $this->getLayout()->createBlock(
$this->setChild('pager', $pager);

return $this;

* @return string
public function getPagerHtml()

return $this->getChildHtml('pager');

* customer Id by customer session.
* @return int
public function getCustomerId()

return $this->_customerSession->getCustomerId();

* customer data by customer id.
* @return object
public function getCustomerData($customerId)

return $this->_customerModel->load($customerId);

* get Collection of quotes conversation for particular quote id.
* @return collection
public function getQuoteConversationCollection()

if (!$this->_quoteConversationCollection)
$sellerquoteId = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');
$sellerquote = $this->getSellerQuotes($sellerquoteId);
$quoteId = $sellerquote->getQuoteId();
$sellerId = $sellerquote->getSellerId();
if ($quoteId != 0)
$collection = $this->_quoteConversationCollectionFactory
->addFieldToFilter('quote_id', $quoteId)
->addFieldToFilter('sender', $sellerId);

$this->_quoteConversationCollection = $collection;

return $this->_quoteConversationCollection;

* get formatted price by currency.
* @return format price string
public function getFormattedPrice($price)

return $this->_pricingHelper
->currency($price, true, false);

public function getQuoteData($entityId)

$quoteModel = $this->_quotesFactory->create()->load($entityId);
return $quoteModel;

* get Collection of quotes conversation for particular quote id.
* @return collection
public function getsellerQuoteConversationCollection($quoteId)

if (!$this->_quoteConversationCollection)
//~ $quoteId = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');
if ($quoteId != 0)
$collection = $this->_quoteConversationCollectionFactory
->addFieldToFilter('quote_id', $quoteId);

$this->_quoteConversationCollection = $collection;

return $this->_quoteConversationCollection;

/** public function **getsellerupdateCollection**($quoteId,$sellerid)

//~ $quoteId = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');
if ($quoteId != 0)
$collection = $this->_sellercolletcionquotes


foreach($collection as $item)

$this->_sellercolletcionquotes = $collection;

return $this->_sellercolletcionquotes;

public function getsellerupdateCollection($quoteId,$sellerid)

//~ $quoteId = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');
if ($quoteId != 0)
$collection = $this->_sellercolletcionquotes
->addFieldToSelect('quote_id', $quoteId)
->addFieldToFilter('main_table.status', array('in' => array('1', '2')))
->addFieldToFilter('main_table.seller_id', ['neq' => $sellerid])
->addFieldToFilter('main_table.nstatus', 1);

foreach($collection as $item)


$this->_sellercolletcionquotes = $collection;

return $this->_sellercolletcionquotes;

public function getSellerQuotes($entityId)
$quoteModel = $this->_sellerQuoteFactory->create()->load($entityId);
return $quoteModel;

public function getProductData($productId)

$productModel = $this->_productFactory->create()->load($productId);
return $productModel;

public function imageHelperObj()

return $this->_imageHelper;

public function getProductPriceHtml(
MagentoCatalogModelProduct $product,
$priceType = MagentoCatalogPricingPriceFinalPrice::PRICE_CODE,
$renderZone = MagentoFrameworkPricingRender::ZONE_ITEM_LIST,
array $arguments = []
if (!isset($arguments['zone']))
$arguments['zone'] = $renderZone;

/** @var MagentoFrameworkPricingRender $priceRender */
$priceRender = $this->getLayout()->getBlock('product.price.render.default');
$price = '';

if ($priceRender)
$price = $priceRender->render($priceType, $product, $arguments);

return $price;

public function getParameters()

return $this->getRequest()->getParams();

* getIsSecure check is secure or not
* @return boolean
public function getIsSecure()

return $this->getRequest()->isSecure();

* check whether a quote is sold or not?
* @param int $quoteStatus
* @return boolean
public function quoteStatusIsNotSold($quoteStatus)

if ($quoteStatus!=WebkulMpquotesystemModelQuotes::STATUS_SOLD)
return true;

return false;

I want multiple where a condition for update record in Magento 2

share|improve this question


    I am trying to update the record but it creates a new record.

    Collection factory


    namespace WebkulMpquotesystemBlock;

    use WebkulMpquotesystemModelResourceModelQuoteconversation;
    use MagentoFrameworkPricingHelperData;
    use WebkulMpquotesystemModelQuotesFactory;
    use WebkulMpquotesystemModelSellerQuotesFactory;
    use WebkulMpquotesystemModelQuoteconversationFactory;
    use MagentoCatalogModelProductFactory;
    use WebkulMpquotesystemModelResourceModelSellerQuotes;

    class Mpeditquotes extends MagentoFrameworkViewElementTemplate

    * @var customerSession
    protected $_customerSession;
    * @var MagentoCustomerModelCustomer
    protected $_customerModel;
    * @var quoteCollection
    protected $_quoteConversationCollection;
    * @var pricingHelper
    protected $_pricingHelper;
    * @var _quotesFactory
    protected $_quotesFactory;
    * @var _sellerQuoteFactory
    protected $_sellerQuoteFactory;
    * @var _productFactory
    protected $_productFactory;
    * @var MagentoCatalogHelperImage
    protected $_imageHelper;
    * @var _quoteConversationCollectionFactory
    protected $_quoteConversationCollectionFactory;
    * @var _quoteconversationFactory
    protected $_quoteconversationFactory;
    protected $_sellercolletcionquotes;

    * @param MagentoCustomerModelSession $customerSession
    * @param MagentoCustomerModelCustomer $customerModel
    * @param MagentoCatalogBlockProductContext $context
    * @param QuoteconversationCollectionFactory $conversationCollectionFactory
    * @param QuotesFactory $_quotesFactory
    * @param ProductFactory $productFactory
    * @param QuoteconversationFactory $conversationFactory
    * @param Data $pricingHelper
    * @param array $data

    public function __construct(
    MagentoCustomerModelSession $customerSession,
    MagentoCustomerModelCustomer $customerModel,
    MagentoCatalogBlockProductContext $context,
    QuoteconversationCollectionFactory $conversationCollectionFactory,
    QuotesFactory $_quotesFactory,
    SellerQuotesFactory $sellerQuoteFactory,
    ProductFactory $productFactory,
    QuoteconversationFactory $conversationFactory,
    WebkulMpquotesystemModelResourceModelSellerQuotesCollectionFactory $sellercolletcionquotes,
    Data $pricingHelper,
    array $data = []
    $this->_customerSession = $customerSession;
    $this->_customerModel = $customerModel;
    $this->_quoteConversationCollectionFactory = $conversationCollectionFactory;
    $this->_pricingHelper = $pricingHelper;
    $this->_quotesFactory = $_quotesFactory;
    $this->_productFactory = $productFactory;
    $this->_sellerQuoteFactory = $sellerQuoteFactory;
    $this->_quoteconversationFactory = $conversationFactory;
    $this->_imageHelper = $context->getImageHelper();
    $this->_sellercolletcionquotes = $sellercolletcionquotes;
    parent::__construct($context, $data);

    * @return $this
    protected function _prepareLayout()

    if ($this->getQuoteConversationCollection())
    $pager = $this->getLayout()->createBlock(
    $this->setChild('pager', $pager);

    return $this;

    * @return string
    public function getPagerHtml()

    return $this->getChildHtml('pager');

    * customer Id by customer session.
    * @return int
    public function getCustomerId()

    return $this->_customerSession->getCustomerId();

    * customer data by customer id.
    * @return object
    public function getCustomerData($customerId)

    return $this->_customerModel->load($customerId);

    * get Collection of quotes conversation for particular quote id.
    * @return collection
    public function getQuoteConversationCollection()

    if (!$this->_quoteConversationCollection)
    $sellerquoteId = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');
    $sellerquote = $this->getSellerQuotes($sellerquoteId);
    $quoteId = $sellerquote->getQuoteId();
    $sellerId = $sellerquote->getSellerId();
    if ($quoteId != 0)
    $collection = $this->_quoteConversationCollectionFactory
    ->addFieldToFilter('quote_id', $quoteId)
    ->addFieldToFilter('sender', $sellerId);

    $this->_quoteConversationCollection = $collection;

    return $this->_quoteConversationCollection;

    * get formatted price by currency.
    * @return format price string
    public function getFormattedPrice($price)

    return $this->_pricingHelper
    ->currency($price, true, false);

    public function getQuoteData($entityId)

    $quoteModel = $this->_quotesFactory->create()->load($entityId);
    return $quoteModel;

    * get Collection of quotes conversation for particular quote id.
    * @return collection
    public function getsellerQuoteConversationCollection($quoteId)

    if (!$this->_quoteConversationCollection)
    //~ $quoteId = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');
    if ($quoteId != 0)
    $collection = $this->_quoteConversationCollectionFactory
    ->addFieldToFilter('quote_id', $quoteId);

    $this->_quoteConversationCollection = $collection;

    return $this->_quoteConversationCollection;

    /** public function **getsellerupdateCollection**($quoteId,$sellerid)

    //~ $quoteId = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');
    if ($quoteId != 0)
    $collection = $this->_sellercolletcionquotes


    foreach($collection as $item)

    $this->_sellercolletcionquotes = $collection;

    return $this->_sellercolletcionquotes;

    public function getsellerupdateCollection($quoteId,$sellerid)

    //~ $quoteId = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');
    if ($quoteId != 0)
    $collection = $this->_sellercolletcionquotes
    ->addFieldToSelect('quote_id', $quoteId)
    ->addFieldToFilter('main_table.status', array('in' => array('1', '2')))
    ->addFieldToFilter('main_table.seller_id', ['neq' => $sellerid])
    ->addFieldToFilter('main_table.nstatus', 1);

    foreach($collection as $item)


    $this->_sellercolletcionquotes = $collection;

    return $this->_sellercolletcionquotes;

    public function getSellerQuotes($entityId)
    $quoteModel = $this->_sellerQuoteFactory->create()->load($entityId);
    return $quoteModel;

    public function getProductData($productId)

    $productModel = $this->_productFactory->create()->load($productId);
    return $productModel;

    public function imageHelperObj()

    return $this->_imageHelper;

    public function getProductPriceHtml(
    MagentoCatalogModelProduct $product,
    $priceType = MagentoCatalogPricingPriceFinalPrice::PRICE_CODE,
    $renderZone = MagentoFrameworkPricingRender::ZONE_ITEM_LIST,
    array $arguments = []
    if (!isset($arguments['zone']))
    $arguments['zone'] = $renderZone;

    /** @var MagentoFrameworkPricingRender $priceRender */
    $priceRender = $this->getLayout()->getBlock('product.price.render.default');
    $price = '';

    if ($priceRender)
    $price = $priceRender->render($priceType, $product, $arguments);

    return $price;

    public function getParameters()

    return $this->getRequest()->getParams();

    * getIsSecure check is secure or not
    * @return boolean
    public function getIsSecure()

    return $this->getRequest()->isSecure();

    * check whether a quote is sold or not?
    * @param int $quoteStatus
    * @return boolean
    public function quoteStatusIsNotSold($quoteStatus)

    if ($quoteStatus!=WebkulMpquotesystemModelQuotes::STATUS_SOLD)
    return true;

    return false;

    I want multiple where a condition for update record in Magento 2

    share|improve this question





      I am trying to update the record but it creates a new record.

      Collection factory


      namespace WebkulMpquotesystemBlock;

      use WebkulMpquotesystemModelResourceModelQuoteconversation;
      use MagentoFrameworkPricingHelperData;
      use WebkulMpquotesystemModelQuotesFactory;
      use WebkulMpquotesystemModelSellerQuotesFactory;
      use WebkulMpquotesystemModelQuoteconversationFactory;
      use MagentoCatalogModelProductFactory;
      use WebkulMpquotesystemModelResourceModelSellerQuotes;

      class Mpeditquotes extends MagentoFrameworkViewElementTemplate

      * @var customerSession
      protected $_customerSession;
      * @var MagentoCustomerModelCustomer
      protected $_customerModel;
      * @var quoteCollection
      protected $_quoteConversationCollection;
      * @var pricingHelper
      protected $_pricingHelper;
      * @var _quotesFactory
      protected $_quotesFactory;
      * @var _sellerQuoteFactory
      protected $_sellerQuoteFactory;
      * @var _productFactory
      protected $_productFactory;
      * @var MagentoCatalogHelperImage
      protected $_imageHelper;
      * @var _quoteConversationCollectionFactory
      protected $_quoteConversationCollectionFactory;
      * @var _quoteconversationFactory
      protected $_quoteconversationFactory;
      protected $_sellercolletcionquotes;

      * @param MagentoCustomerModelSession $customerSession
      * @param MagentoCustomerModelCustomer $customerModel
      * @param MagentoCatalogBlockProductContext $context
      * @param QuoteconversationCollectionFactory $conversationCollectionFactory
      * @param QuotesFactory $_quotesFactory
      * @param ProductFactory $productFactory
      * @param QuoteconversationFactory $conversationFactory
      * @param Data $pricingHelper
      * @param array $data

      public function __construct(
      MagentoCustomerModelSession $customerSession,
      MagentoCustomerModelCustomer $customerModel,
      MagentoCatalogBlockProductContext $context,
      QuoteconversationCollectionFactory $conversationCollectionFactory,
      QuotesFactory $_quotesFactory,
      SellerQuotesFactory $sellerQuoteFactory,
      ProductFactory $productFactory,
      QuoteconversationFactory $conversationFactory,
      WebkulMpquotesystemModelResourceModelSellerQuotesCollectionFactory $sellercolletcionquotes,
      Data $pricingHelper,
      array $data = []
      $this->_customerSession = $customerSession;
      $this->_customerModel = $customerModel;
      $this->_quoteConversationCollectionFactory = $conversationCollectionFactory;
      $this->_pricingHelper = $pricingHelper;
      $this->_quotesFactory = $_quotesFactory;
      $this->_productFactory = $productFactory;
      $this->_sellerQuoteFactory = $sellerQuoteFactory;
      $this->_quoteconversationFactory = $conversationFactory;
      $this->_imageHelper = $context->getImageHelper();
      $this->_sellercolletcionquotes = $sellercolletcionquotes;
      parent::__construct($context, $data);

      * @return $this
      protected function _prepareLayout()

      if ($this->getQuoteConversationCollection())
      $pager = $this->getLayout()->createBlock(
      $this->setChild('pager', $pager);

      return $this;

      * @return string
      public function getPagerHtml()

      return $this->getChildHtml('pager');

      * customer Id by customer session.
      * @return int
      public function getCustomerId()

      return $this->_customerSession->getCustomerId();

      * customer data by customer id.
      * @return object
      public function getCustomerData($customerId)

      return $this->_customerModel->load($customerId);

      * get Collection of quotes conversation for particular quote id.
      * @return collection
      public function getQuoteConversationCollection()

      if (!$this->_quoteConversationCollection)
      $sellerquoteId = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');
      $sellerquote = $this->getSellerQuotes($sellerquoteId);
      $quoteId = $sellerquote->getQuoteId();
      $sellerId = $sellerquote->getSellerId();
      if ($quoteId != 0)
      $collection = $this->_quoteConversationCollectionFactory
      ->addFieldToFilter('quote_id', $quoteId)
      ->addFieldToFilter('sender', $sellerId);

      $this->_quoteConversationCollection = $collection;

      return $this->_quoteConversationCollection;

      * get formatted price by currency.
      * @return format price string
      public function getFormattedPrice($price)

      return $this->_pricingHelper
      ->currency($price, true, false);

      public function getQuoteData($entityId)

      $quoteModel = $this->_quotesFactory->create()->load($entityId);
      return $quoteModel;

      * get Collection of quotes conversation for particular quote id.
      * @return collection
      public function getsellerQuoteConversationCollection($quoteId)

      if (!$this->_quoteConversationCollection)
      //~ $quoteId = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');
      if ($quoteId != 0)
      $collection = $this->_quoteConversationCollectionFactory
      ->addFieldToFilter('quote_id', $quoteId);

      $this->_quoteConversationCollection = $collection;

      return $this->_quoteConversationCollection;

      /** public function **getsellerupdateCollection**($quoteId,$sellerid)

      //~ $quoteId = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');
      if ($quoteId != 0)
      $collection = $this->_sellercolletcionquotes


      foreach($collection as $item)

      $this->_sellercolletcionquotes = $collection;

      return $this->_sellercolletcionquotes;

      public function getsellerupdateCollection($quoteId,$sellerid)

      //~ $quoteId = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');
      if ($quoteId != 0)
      $collection = $this->_sellercolletcionquotes
      ->addFieldToSelect('quote_id', $quoteId)
      ->addFieldToFilter('main_table.status', array('in' => array('1', '2')))
      ->addFieldToFilter('main_table.seller_id', ['neq' => $sellerid])
      ->addFieldToFilter('main_table.nstatus', 1);

      foreach($collection as $item)


      $this->_sellercolletcionquotes = $collection;

      return $this->_sellercolletcionquotes;

      public function getSellerQuotes($entityId)
      $quoteModel = $this->_sellerQuoteFactory->create()->load($entityId);
      return $quoteModel;

      public function getProductData($productId)

      $productModel = $this->_productFactory->create()->load($productId);
      return $productModel;

      public function imageHelperObj()

      return $this->_imageHelper;

      public function getProductPriceHtml(
      MagentoCatalogModelProduct $product,
      $priceType = MagentoCatalogPricingPriceFinalPrice::PRICE_CODE,
      $renderZone = MagentoFrameworkPricingRender::ZONE_ITEM_LIST,
      array $arguments = []
      if (!isset($arguments['zone']))
      $arguments['zone'] = $renderZone;

      /** @var MagentoFrameworkPricingRender $priceRender */
      $priceRender = $this->getLayout()->getBlock('product.price.render.default');
      $price = '';

      if ($priceRender)
      $price = $priceRender->render($priceType, $product, $arguments);

      return $price;

      public function getParameters()

      return $this->getRequest()->getParams();

      * getIsSecure check is secure or not
      * @return boolean
      public function getIsSecure()

      return $this->getRequest()->isSecure();

      * check whether a quote is sold or not?
      * @param int $quoteStatus
      * @return boolean
      public function quoteStatusIsNotSold($quoteStatus)

      if ($quoteStatus!=WebkulMpquotesystemModelQuotes::STATUS_SOLD)
      return true;

      return false;

      I want multiple where a condition for update record in Magento 2

      share|improve this question

      I am trying to update the record but it creates a new record.

      Collection factory


      namespace WebkulMpquotesystemBlock;

      use WebkulMpquotesystemModelResourceModelQuoteconversation;
      use MagentoFrameworkPricingHelperData;
      use WebkulMpquotesystemModelQuotesFactory;
      use WebkulMpquotesystemModelSellerQuotesFactory;
      use WebkulMpquotesystemModelQuoteconversationFactory;
      use MagentoCatalogModelProductFactory;
      use WebkulMpquotesystemModelResourceModelSellerQuotes;

      class Mpeditquotes extends MagentoFrameworkViewElementTemplate

      * @var customerSession
      protected $_customerSession;
      * @var MagentoCustomerModelCustomer
      protected $_customerModel;
      * @var quoteCollection
      protected $_quoteConversationCollection;
      * @var pricingHelper
      protected $_pricingHelper;
      * @var _quotesFactory
      protected $_quotesFactory;
      * @var _sellerQuoteFactory
      protected $_sellerQuoteFactory;
      * @var _productFactory
      protected $_productFactory;
      * @var MagentoCatalogHelperImage
      protected $_imageHelper;
      * @var _quoteConversationCollectionFactory
      protected $_quoteConversationCollectionFactory;
      * @var _quoteconversationFactory
      protected $_quoteconversationFactory;
      protected $_sellercolletcionquotes;

      * @param MagentoCustomerModelSession $customerSession
      * @param MagentoCustomerModelCustomer $customerModel
      * @param MagentoCatalogBlockProductContext $context
      * @param QuoteconversationCollectionFactory $conversationCollectionFactory
      * @param QuotesFactory $_quotesFactory
      * @param ProductFactory $productFactory
      * @param QuoteconversationFactory $conversationFactory
      * @param Data $pricingHelper
      * @param array $data

      public function __construct(
      MagentoCustomerModelSession $customerSession,
      MagentoCustomerModelCustomer $customerModel,
      MagentoCatalogBlockProductContext $context,
      QuoteconversationCollectionFactory $conversationCollectionFactory,
      QuotesFactory $_quotesFactory,
      SellerQuotesFactory $sellerQuoteFactory,
      ProductFactory $productFactory,
      QuoteconversationFactory $conversationFactory,
      WebkulMpquotesystemModelResourceModelSellerQuotesCollectionFactory $sellercolletcionquotes,
      Data $pricingHelper,
      array $data = []
      $this->_customerSession = $customerSession;
      $this->_customerModel = $customerModel;
      $this->_quoteConversationCollectionFactory = $conversationCollectionFactory;
      $this->_pricingHelper = $pricingHelper;
      $this->_quotesFactory = $_quotesFactory;
      $this->_productFactory = $productFactory;
      $this->_sellerQuoteFactory = $sellerQuoteFactory;
      $this->_quoteconversationFactory = $conversationFactory;
      $this->_imageHelper = $context->getImageHelper();
      $this->_sellercolletcionquotes = $sellercolletcionquotes;
      parent::__construct($context, $data);

      * @return $this
      protected function _prepareLayout()

      if ($this->getQuoteConversationCollection())
      $pager = $this->getLayout()->createBlock(
      $this->setChild('pager', $pager);

      return $this;

      * @return string
      public function getPagerHtml()

      return $this->getChildHtml('pager');

      * customer Id by customer session.
      * @return int
      public function getCustomerId()

      return $this->_customerSession->getCustomerId();

      * customer data by customer id.
      * @return object
      public function getCustomerData($customerId)

      return $this->_customerModel->load($customerId);

      * get Collection of quotes conversation for particular quote id.
      * @return collection
      public function getQuoteConversationCollection()

      if (!$this->_quoteConversationCollection)
      $sellerquoteId = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');
      $sellerquote = $this->getSellerQuotes($sellerquoteId);
      $quoteId = $sellerquote->getQuoteId();
      $sellerId = $sellerquote->getSellerId();
      if ($quoteId != 0)
      $collection = $this->_quoteConversationCollectionFactory
      ->addFieldToFilter('quote_id', $quoteId)
      ->addFieldToFilter('sender', $sellerId);

      $this->_quoteConversationCollection = $collection;

      return $this->_quoteConversationCollection;

      * get formatted price by currency.
      * @return format price string
      public function getFormattedPrice($price)

      return $this->_pricingHelper
      ->currency($price, true, false);

      public function getQuoteData($entityId)

      $quoteModel = $this->_quotesFactory->create()->load($entityId);
      return $quoteModel;

      * get Collection of quotes conversation for particular quote id.
      * @return collection
      public function getsellerQuoteConversationCollection($quoteId)

      if (!$this->_quoteConversationCollection)
      //~ $quoteId = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');
      if ($quoteId != 0)
      $collection = $this->_quoteConversationCollectionFactory
      ->addFieldToFilter('quote_id', $quoteId);

      $this->_quoteConversationCollection = $collection;

      return $this->_quoteConversationCollection;

      /** public function **getsellerupdateCollection**($quoteId,$sellerid)

      //~ $quoteId = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');
      if ($quoteId != 0)
      $collection = $this->_sellercolletcionquotes


      foreach($collection as $item)

      $this->_sellercolletcionquotes = $collection;

      return $this->_sellercolletcionquotes;

      public function getsellerupdateCollection($quoteId,$sellerid)

      //~ $quoteId = $this->getRequest()->getParam('id');
      if ($quoteId != 0)
      $collection = $this->_sellercolletcionquotes
      ->addFieldToSelect('quote_id', $quoteId)
      ->addFieldToFilter('main_table.status', array('in' => array('1', '2')))
      ->addFieldToFilter('main_table.seller_id', ['neq' => $sellerid])
      ->addFieldToFilter('main_table.nstatus', 1);

      foreach($collection as $item)


      $this->_sellercolletcionquotes = $collection;

      return $this->_sellercolletcionquotes;

      public function getSellerQuotes($entityId)
      $quoteModel = $this->_sellerQuoteFactory->create()->load($entityId);
      return $quoteModel;

      public function getProductData($productId)

      $productModel = $this->_productFactory->create()->load($productId);
      return $productModel;

      public function imageHelperObj()

      return $this->_imageHelper;

      public function getProductPriceHtml(
      MagentoCatalogModelProduct $product,
      $priceType = MagentoCatalogPricingPriceFinalPrice::PRICE_CODE,
      $renderZone = MagentoFrameworkPricingRender::ZONE_ITEM_LIST,
      array $arguments = []
      if (!isset($arguments['zone']))
      $arguments['zone'] = $renderZone;

      /** @var MagentoFrameworkPricingRender $priceRender */
      $priceRender = $this->getLayout()->getBlock('product.price.render.default');
      $price = '';

      if ($priceRender)
      $price = $priceRender->render($priceType, $product, $arguments);

      return $price;

      public function getParameters()

      return $this->getRequest()->getParams();

      * getIsSecure check is secure or not
      * @return boolean
      public function getIsSecure()

      return $this->getRequest()->isSecure();

      * check whether a quote is sold or not?
      * @param int $quoteStatus
      * @return boolean
      public function quoteStatusIsNotSold($quoteStatus)

      if ($quoteStatus!=WebkulMpquotesystemModelQuotes::STATUS_SOLD)
      return true;

      return false;

      I want multiple where a condition for update record in Magento 2

      magento2 collection quote resource-model factory

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      share|improve this question

      edited Apr 8 at 12:28


      asked Apr 8 at 10:22




          2 Answers





          Try this one, adding getCollection():

          public function getsellerupdateCollection($quoteId,$sellerid)

          if ($quoteId != 0)
          $collection = $this->_sellercolletcionquotes

          foreach($collections as $item)


          $this->_sellercolletcionquotes = $collection;

          return $this->_sellercolletcionquotes;

          share|improve this answer

          • where i can use save(); - method

            – prabhakaran7
            Apr 8 at 12:05

          • updated the answer

            – magefms
            Apr 8 at 12:06

          • Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method in Resource model Collection::getCollection() in /var/www/html/*

            – prabhakaran7
            Apr 8 at 12:07

          • i already defined in constract WebkulMpquotesystemModelResourceModelSellerQuotesCollectionFactory $sellercolletcionquotes,

            – prabhakaran7
            Apr 8 at 12:08

          • 1

            i make mistake ** ->addFieldToSelect('quote_id',$quoteId)** addFieldsToFIlter instead select

            – prabhakaran7


          I have updated a few lines of code.

          public function getsellerupdateCollection($quoteId,$sellerid)

          if ($quoteId != 0)
          $collection = $this->_sellercolletcionquotes

          foreach($collections as $item)


          $this->_sellercolletcionquotes = $collection;

          return $this->_sellercolletcionquotes;

          share|improve this answer

          • i will check .....................

            – prabhakaran7
            Apr 8 at 11:46

          • Why you are adding condition like this ->addFieldToFilter('main_table.seller_id',['neq'=>$sellerid]) instead of ->addFieldToFilter('main_table.seller_id',['eq'=>$sellerid])

            – Kamlesh Solanki
            Apr 8 at 11:48

          • i am omitting that customer for update...

            – prabhakaran7
            Apr 8 at 11:50

          • ok is that worked?

            – Kamlesh Solanki
            Apr 8 at 11:54

          • Actaully, what you want update it

            – Kamlesh Solanki
            Apr 8 at 11:56

          Your Answer

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          2 Answers




          2 Answers











          Try this one, adding getCollection():

          public function getsellerupdateCollection($quoteId,$sellerid)

          if ($quoteId != 0)
          $collection = $this->_sellercolletcionquotes

          foreach($collections as $item)


          $this->_sellercolletcionquotes = $collection;

          return $this->_sellercolletcionquotes;

          share|improve this answer

          • where i can use save(); - method

            – prabhakaran7
            Apr 8 at 12:05

          • updated the answer

            – magefms
            Apr 8 at 12:06

          • Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method in Resource model Collection::getCollection() in /var/www/html/*

            – prabhakaran7
            Apr 8 at 12:07

          • i already defined in constract WebkulMpquotesystemModelResourceModelSellerQuotesCollectionFactory $sellercolletcionquotes,

            – prabhakaran7
            Apr 8 at 12:08

          • 1

            i make mistake ** ->addFieldToSelect('quote_id',$quoteId)** addFieldsToFIlter instead select

            – prabhakaran7


          Try this one, adding getCollection():

          public function getsellerupdateCollection($quoteId,$sellerid)

          if ($quoteId != 0)
          $collection = $this->_sellercolletcionquotes

          foreach($collections as $item)


          $this->_sellercolletcionquotes = $collection;

          return $this->_sellercolletcionquotes;

          share|improve this answer

          • where i can use save(); - method

            – prabhakaran7
            Apr 8 at 12:05

          • updated the answer

            – magefms
            Apr 8 at 12:06

          • Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method in Resource model Collection::getCollection() in /var/www/html/*

            – prabhakaran7
            Apr 8 at 12:07

          • i already defined in constract WebkulMpquotesystemModelResourceModelSellerQuotesCollectionFactory $sellercolletcionquotes,

            – prabhakaran7
            Apr 8 at 12:08

          • 1

            i make mistake ** ->addFieldToSelect('quote_id',$quoteId)** addFieldsToFIlter instead select

            – prabhakaran7




          Try this one, adding getCollection():

          public function getsellerupdateCollection($quoteId,$sellerid)

          if ($quoteId != 0)
          $collection = $this->_sellercolletcionquotes

          foreach($collections as $item)


          $this->_sellercolletcionquotes = $collection;

          return $this->_sellercolletcionquotes;

          share|improve this answer

          Try this one, adding getCollection():

          public function getsellerupdateCollection($quoteId,$sellerid)

          if ($quoteId != 0)
          $collection = $this->_sellercolletcionquotes

          foreach($collections as $item)


          $this->_sellercolletcionquotes = $collection;

          return $this->_sellercolletcionquotes;

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          edited Apr 8 at 12:05

          answered Apr 8 at 12:02




          • where i can use save(); - method

            – prabhakaran7
            Apr 8 at 12:05

          • updated the answer

            – magefms
            Apr 8 at 12:06

          • Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method in Resource model Collection::getCollection() in /var/www/html/*

            – prabhakaran7
            Apr 8 at 12:07

          • i already defined in constract WebkulMpquotesystemModelResourceModelSellerQuotesCollectionFactory $sellercolletcionquotes,

            – prabhakaran7
            Apr 8 at 12:08

          • 1

            i make mistake ** ->addFieldToSelect('quote_id',$quoteId)** addFieldsToFIlter instead select

            – prabhakaran7

          • where i can use save(); - method

            – prabhakaran7
            Apr 8 at 12:05

          • updated the answer

            – magefms
            Apr 8 at 12:06

          • Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method in Resource model Collection::getCollection() in /var/www/html/*

            – prabhakaran7
            Apr 8 at 12:07

          • i already defined in constract WebkulMpquotesystemModelResourceModelSellerQuotesCollectionFactory $sellercolletcionquotes,

            – prabhakaran7
            Apr 8 at 12:08

          • 1

            i make mistake ** ->addFieldToSelect('quote_id',$quoteId)** addFieldsToFIlter instead select

            – prabhakaran7

          where i can use save(); - method

          – prabhakaran7
          Apr 8 at 12:05

          where i can use save(); - method

          – prabhakaran7
          Apr 8 at 12:05

          updated the answer

          – magefms
          Apr 8 at 12:06

          updated the answer

          – magefms
          Apr 8 at 12:06

          Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method in Resource model Collection::getCollection() in /var/www/html/*

          – prabhakaran7
          Apr 8 at 12:07

          Uncaught Error: Call to undefined method in Resource model Collection::getCollection() in /var/www/html/*

          – prabhakaran7
          Apr 8 at 12:07

          i already defined in constract WebkulMpquotesystemModelResourceModelSellerQuotesCollectionFactory $sellercolletcionquotes,

          – prabhakaran7
          Apr 8 at 12:08

          i already defined in constract WebkulMpquotesystemModelResourceModelSellerQuotesCollectionFactory $sellercolletcionquotes,

          – prabhakaran7
          Apr 8 at 12:08



          i make mistake ** ->addFieldToSelect('quote_id',$quoteId)** addFieldsToFIlter instead select

          – prabhakaran7

          i make mistake ** ->addFieldToSelect('quote_id',$quoteId)** addFieldsToFIlter instead select

          – prabhakaran7


          I have updated a few lines of code.

          public function getsellerupdateCollection($quoteId,$sellerid)

          if ($quoteId != 0)
          $collection = $this->_sellercolletcionquotes

          foreach($collections as $item)


          $this->_sellercolletcionquotes = $collection;

          return $this->_sellercolletcionquotes;

          share|improve this answer

          • i will check .....................

            – prabhakaran7
            Apr 8 at 11:46

          • Why you are adding condition like this ->addFieldToFilter('main_table.seller_id',['neq'=>$sellerid]) instead of ->addFieldToFilter('main_table.seller_id',['eq'=>$sellerid])

            – Kamlesh Solanki
            Apr 8 at 11:48

          • i am omitting that customer for update...

            – prabhakaran7
            Apr 8 at 11:50

          • ok is that worked?

            – Kamlesh Solanki
            Apr 8 at 11:54

          • Actaully, what you want update it

            – Kamlesh Solanki
            Apr 8 at 11:56


          I have updated a few lines of code.

          public function getsellerupdateCollection($quoteId,$sellerid)

          if ($quoteId != 0)
          $collection = $this->_sellercolletcionquotes

          foreach($collections as $item)


          $this->_sellercolletcionquotes = $collection;

          return $this->_sellercolletcionquotes;

          share|improve this answer

          • i will check .....................

            – prabhakaran7
            Apr 8 at 11:46

          • Why you are adding condition like this ->addFieldToFilter('main_table.seller_id',['neq'=>$sellerid]) instead of ->addFieldToFilter('main_table.seller_id',['eq'=>$sellerid])

            – Kamlesh Solanki
            Apr 8 at 11:48

          • i am omitting that customer for update...

            – prabhakaran7
            Apr 8 at 11:50

          • ok is that worked?

            – Kamlesh Solanki
            Apr 8 at 11:54

          • Actaully, what you want update it

            – Kamlesh Solanki
            Apr 8 at 11:56




          I have updated a few lines of code.

          public function getsellerupdateCollection($quoteId,$sellerid)

          if ($quoteId != 0)
          $collection = $this->_sellercolletcionquotes

          foreach($collections as $item)


          $this->_sellercolletcionquotes = $collection;

          return $this->_sellercolletcionquotes;

          share|improve this answer

          I have updated a few lines of code.

          public function getsellerupdateCollection($quoteId,$sellerid)

          if ($quoteId != 0)
          $collection = $this->_sellercolletcionquotes

          foreach($collections as $item)


          $this->_sellercolletcionquotes = $collection;

          return $this->_sellercolletcionquotes;

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          share|improve this answer

          edited Apr 8 at 12:19

          answered Apr 8 at 11:45

          Kamlesh SolankiKamlesh Solanki



          • i will check .....................

            – prabhakaran7
            Apr 8 at 11:46

          • Why you are adding condition like this ->addFieldToFilter('main_table.seller_id',['neq'=>$sellerid]) instead of ->addFieldToFilter('main_table.seller_id',['eq'=>$sellerid])

            – Kamlesh Solanki
            Apr 8 at 11:48

          • i am omitting that customer for update...

            – prabhakaran7
            Apr 8 at 11:50

          • ok is that worked?

            – Kamlesh Solanki
            Apr 8 at 11:54

          • Actaully, what you want update it

            – Kamlesh Solanki
            Apr 8 at 11:56

          • i will check .....................

            – prabhakaran7
            Apr 8 at 11:46

          • Why you are adding condition like this ->addFieldToFilter('main_table.seller_id',['neq'=>$sellerid]) instead of ->addFieldToFilter('main_table.seller_id',['eq'=>$sellerid])

            – Kamlesh Solanki
            Apr 8 at 11:48

          • i am omitting that customer for update...

            – prabhakaran7
            Apr 8 at 11:50

          • ok is that worked?

            – Kamlesh Solanki
            Apr 8 at 11:54

          • Actaully, what you want update it

            – Kamlesh Solanki
            Apr 8 at 11:56

          i will check .....................

          – prabhakaran7
          Apr 8 at 11:46

          i will check .....................

          – prabhakaran7
          Apr 8 at 11:46

          Why you are adding condition like this ->addFieldToFilter('main_table.seller_id',['neq'=>$sellerid]) instead of ->addFieldToFilter('main_table.seller_id',['eq'=>$sellerid])

          – Kamlesh Solanki
          Apr 8 at 11:48

          Why you are adding condition like this ->addFieldToFilter('main_table.seller_id',['neq'=>$sellerid]) instead of ->addFieldToFilter('main_table.seller_id',['eq'=>$sellerid])

          – Kamlesh Solanki
          Apr 8 at 11:48

          i am omitting that customer for update...

          – prabhakaran7
          Apr 8 at 11:50

          i am omitting that customer for update...

          – prabhakaran7
          Apr 8 at 11:50

          ok is that worked?

          – Kamlesh Solanki
          Apr 8 at 11:54

          ok is that worked?

          – Kamlesh Solanki
          Apr 8 at 11:54

          Actaully, what you want update it

          – Kamlesh Solanki
          Apr 8 at 11:56

          Actaully, what you want update it

          – Kamlesh Solanki
          Apr 8 at 11:56

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